Word Problem
15 year old Judy recently started babysitting her aunts two 3 year olds. her Aunt had also promised to give her an additional amount of money as a reward for her hard work. Therefore, on her first week of babysitting, she worked for 4 hours on Tuesday and got 74 dollars, and on Thursday she worked for 6 hours and got $106. How much does Judy earn per an hour?
what is the additional amount that her aunt gives her as a reward at the end of every shift?
How much would Judy earn if she worked for 8 hours?

Self Assessment:
Creative Thinking:
The word Problem I made was inspired from our ”Mathematics” workbook within the ”linear equation word problems” section, as they had some really good examples that asked for both the rate of change and a constant. However, for the image I picked, I got it off of google by typing ”two 3 year olds”, as my word problem is about babysitting two 3 year olds.
Critical Thinking:
In order to make sure my numbers for Judys wage were realistic, I reasearched the hourly pay for babysitting two 3 year olds and got ”$15.75”, therefore I rounded it up to make it ”$16”. Furthermore, to make sure my calculations for the word problem would work out, i tried solving the word problem myself, and then asked a friend to try and solve it, to make sure the numbers were truly correct.