The equation on the top is my own equation, and the equation on the bottom is the parent function equation. These equations are quite up different as they differ in both the “h”, the “a”, and the “k” values, which all play a significant role in determining how a parabola looks like when graphed. The “k” or -2 in my equation is responsible for how far up or down my parabola is vertically shifted, and that’s why you will see that my parabola, is shifted 2 points downwards from the vertex of the parent function. The “h” or 7 in my equation also plays an essential role as it determines how far left or right the parabola is horizontally shifted, and that’s why you can see on the graph that my parabola is shifted 7 points to the left from the vertex of the parent’s function parabola, as if “h” is negative, the parabola shifts to the right and if it’s positive it shifts to the left, in my case, the “h” was negative and that’s why my parabola was shifted to the left. Finally, the “a” or the “-2′ in front of the brackets, determines how wide/narrow the parabola will stretch and whether it will open either downwards or upwards, and that’s why you could tell that my parabola opens downwards and its curve is much narrower than the parent function parabola, this is due to the “a” or -2 on my equation, being further from 0 than how far the value of “a” or 1 on the parent function, is closer to 0.
1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?
While completing this assignment, I represented the same mathematical idea when demonstrating what my given equation would look like without the “a,” “h,” and “k” values separately, in order to evaluate the differences and argue how each of these values affects the parabola in significant ways.
2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.
During this assignment, I was able to use mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate my understanding when explaining the significance and relations of each “a,” “h,” and “k” value with the parabola and how it changes the way a parabola looks graphed, as when explaining I used vocabulary like vertical shift, horizontal shift, parent function, vertex, stretch, …etc.
3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way?
I was able to use formatting to share my information in a clear organized way by using demos so I could have a clear picture of my parabola. additionally, I also used different colours for my parabola and the parent function parabola, to make it clear enough to know which one is mine and which one is the parent function’s. Finally, I also showed formatting by bolding the headings and changing their sizes, so that they could look neat and so that it looks clear enough for the reader to know that I’ve started a new topic.