French 10 Skits

When it came time to present our French skit to the class, I knew that collaboration was going to be key to our success. We had spent weeks rehearsing and refining our work, but we also wanted to make sure that everyone in the group had an equal amount of speaking to do. So, we made sure to divide our work into 3 equal roles, with each person having the same amount of talking to do. We also practiced together several times, giving each other feedback and adjusting our roles as needed. On the day of the presentation, we collaborated together flawlessly, each of us contributing our own parts of the skit and doing a little bit of acting as well, to make sure that the skit is as entertaining and engaging as possible. In the end, we were proud of our collaboration and the overall score that we got on the presentation

My Parabola

The equation on the top is my own equation, and the equation on the bottom is the parent function equation. These equations are quite up different as they differ in both the “h”, the “a”, and the “k” values, which all play a significant role in determining how a parabola looks like when graphed. The “k” or -2 in my equation is responsible for how far up or down my parabola is vertically shifted, and that’s why you will see that my parabola, is shifted 2 points downwards from the vertex of the parent function. The “h” or 7 in my equation also plays an essential role as it determines how far left or right the parabola is horizontally shifted, and that’s why you can see on the graph that my parabola is shifted 7 points to the left from the vertex of the parent’s function parabola, as if “h” is negative, the parabola shifts to the right and if it’s positive it shifts to the left, in my case, the “h” was negative and that’s why my parabola was shifted to the left. Finally, the “a” or the “-2′ in front of the brackets, determines how wide/narrow the parabola will stretch and whether it will open either downwards or upwards, and that’s why you could tell that my parabola opens downwards and its curve is much narrower than the parent function parabola, this is due to the “a” or -2 on my equation, being further from 0 than how far the value of “a” or 1 on the parent function, is closer to 0.


1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

While completing this assignment, I represented the same mathematical idea when demonstrating what my given equation would look like without the “a,” “h,” and “k” values separately, in order to evaluate the differences and argue how each of these values affects the parabola in significant ways.

2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

During this assignment, I was able to use mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate my understanding when explaining the significance and relations of each “a,” “h,” and “k” value with the parabola and how it changes the way a parabola looks graphed, as when explaining I used vocabulary like vertical shift, horizontal shift, parent function, vertex, stretch, …etc.

3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way?

I was able to use formatting to share my information in a clear organized way by using demos so I could have a clear picture of my parabola. additionally, I also used different colours for my parabola and the parent function parabola, to make it clear enough to know which one is mine and which one is the parent function’s. Finally, I also showed formatting by bolding the headings and changing their sizes, so that they could look neat and so that it looks clear enough for the reader to know that I’ve started a new topic.

Facing a Challenge

Image of Solved Problem

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I wasn’t able to figure out how I could multiply two radical expressions as I didn’t realize that when multiplying radical expressions with more than one term, you would need to use the foil method, were you multiply term by term. Furthermore, the first time I tried it I just multiplied the first term by the first term and the last term by the last term. Therefore, the strategy I used to help me figure out the problem, was to go through one note and revise all the notes within that unit, in order for me to find the steps needed to solve the problem. At last, the concept I needed to solve the problem was FOIL, therefore, I must make sure to keep in mind that I use FOIL whenever I am multiplying radical expressions.

In Conclusion, the next time I encounter a complex problem, I will go through all my notes so that I can carefully revise and understand all the steps needed to solve the problem.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR


Something that I learned in which I hadn’t considered before would be the risks of CPR as you could break someone’s rib when performing it. One key takeaway from the practical CPR unit is to show us how to act properly when seeing a person with a stroke, heart attack, choking…etc. Finally, this unit also connects to the previous nutrition unit because in order for us to know to not have any of the risk factors, we would need to have a balanced diet.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in… times when I was assessing responsiveness and making sure everyone was clear of the body during the AED.

One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is… by educating and awaring the people from the dangers and the risk factors of strokes and heart attacks, in order for them to be careful and be wise of their diet.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… try/attempt introducing myself to the group and have them introduce themselves so that we could get along quicker. 

Mathematics; Linear equations

Word Problem

15 year old Judy recently started babysitting her aunts two 3 year olds. her Aunt had also promised to give her an additional amount of money as a reward for her hard work. Therefore, on her first week of babysitting, she worked for 4 hours on Tuesday and got 74 dollars, and on Thursday she worked for 6 hours and got $106. How much does Judy earn per an hour?

what is the additional amount that her aunt gives her as a reward at the end of every shift?

How much would Judy earn if she worked for 8 hours?

Self Assessment:

Creative Thinking:

The word Problem I made was inspired from our ”Mathematics” workbook within the ”linear equation word problems” section, as they had some really good examples that asked for both the rate of change and a constant. However, for the image I picked, I got it off of google by typing ”two 3 year olds”, as my word problem is about babysitting two 3 year olds.

Critical Thinking:

In order to make sure my numbers for Judys wage were realistic, I reasearched the hourly pay for babysitting two 3 year olds and got ”$15.75”, therefore I rounded it up to make it ”$16”. Furthermore, to make sure my calculations for the word problem would work out, i tried solving the word problem myself, and then asked a friend to try and solve it, to make sure the numbers were truly correct.

FIDO Paragraph: Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I think this paraqraph does really well on covering why and how Timmy belogs to the society of youth. I say this because i have explained/argued alot about how Timmy treats/sees zombies based on how he treats fido and how the society of old treats Zombies. within the paragraph I talked about Timmys personality towards zombies, such as how inclusive, kind and loyal he is. in which helped show the differneces between the two societies.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

What is one aspect of your writing that you still need to work on and how might you get help or improve in this particular area?

one aspect that i think i need to improve/work on is run on sentences, as this is a mistake i make on most of my writings. this is a problem that i have been struggling with ever since last year, and my teachers have been pointin it out to me alot. this has also caused my grades to go lower/down, as writin is a big deal in english, so if i dont resolve this problem anytime soon, my grades will probably go even lower. i could help myself to get rid of run on sentences by asking my teacher for ways/strateies to help prevent it.

Core Competency Goal

This is my “Me Card”. In my “Me Card”, I drew pictures of my passions, furture plans, values and skills. My passions included my education, going to the Gym, listening to music, playing soccer and finally, playing volleyball, as these are the things I abouloutely love doing, and put my full heart into. Next, my future plans included getting rich, becoming a musician, becoming an athlete and finally, getting rich, as these are things that i would like to become when i grow up. Then, in my values I put my family, my friends, my grades, and sports, as these are the things that I value and care about most in my life. Finally, in my skills, I drew a tennis racket, a volleyabll, a football, soccer, and fishing, as these are all things that I am goodat doing.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by…

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by… always making sure that everyone within the group has said someting. I can do this by dividin all the work and speaking, so that everyone can have a share or task in what we are doing in the group, as everyone will be havin his turn to speak and will have to contribute some work to the group, in which will always keep the group in touch and active.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include…

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include… always making sure to know everyones’ strengths and stretches, so that we can give people the tasks that they prefer and are best at, and give what they are leats good at to someone else. this will help our group alot as we would be working more efficently and more quickly if we all are doing the things that we enjoy doing the most and have the most experince at.

If I notice …, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by…

If I notice that… one of our group members is not doing their work or their task that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by… all coming together and ask eachother if we need help with anything like needing help with understanding the question or needing ideas of what to do. Another way that we can get support is by asking the teacher for whatever we are struggling with, or whatever we are unsure about, as the teacher knows best.

Core Competency Self-Assesment


This is mine and my partner’s biome project



In the biome project we had to pick partners to help with finishing and presenting the project. During the project we had to assign different roles and responsibilities for each partner to do. we had to split the project into 2 parts, one part included the abiotic factors, the climate and the specific animal, while the other part included the map, the biotic factors and the food web. I chose to work on the first part while my partner chose to work on the other power point and did part. Me and my partner did both of our presentation and communication on PowerPoint because It was easier than having multiple platforms for several different things. If I were to do this project again I would have probably given more time to exercise on presenting, because me and my partner sort of struggled with communicating during the presentation.

Short Story Writing Process

My Story

Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking Prompts

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are adding more descriptive pieces to my story, so that It could add more details to my writing in order for it to be longer, and also so that the reader can feel and fully experience what i am writing.

I am so curious about what I have in my head that I am excited to learn more about how I could try to add more pieces to my writing, so that the reader can go through the adventure of my story.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I try to reset mybthoughts walk or take a break to help calm myself or create space in my mind to refresh my head and start with a new thought or idea.

My Goal

My goal is to learn how to develop my poems in a more specific and descriptive way, usin only my thoughts, or my brainstorming ideas.

FMPC 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


This is a picture of the mini chapter quizzes that we used to do each day


Critical Thinking

This artifact helped me with critical thinking because it required us to show our work and explanation for every answer and number we got when solving the equations. In which had later on helped me with the tests we had done, as tests require you to show your work.