My online support network is helpful to me because they helped me with the making of this project as it helped me with finding the websites I needed to get the information I had wanted. My online support network also helped me access the supoort I needed to finish this assiggnment as I used the teams app to ask my teaachers any questions i had.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are not trolling and commneting mean and racist things on peoples post as i know alot of people find it really offensive. Another thing I do to maintain online relationships is not savingg or sharing any posts without their consent.
By doing positive things, like leaving postivie comments on my friends posts, and not sharing or saving posts without my friend’s consent, online, I make a positive difference to my peers.
I followed the format and model of my script, by having all the margins lined up equally, using the ruler on the document to have them all lined up. I also followed the model of the script by having everything that shows the expressions in the story written in Italics, i also made sure that they were all lined up and more on the right side of the text, so that you could tell the difference between it and the actual text of the story. Another thing that i did to follow the model, was having all the people’s names’ who are talking, have all capital letters. Finally, one last thing that i did to follow the model was having my name and the date on the right side of the page, i did this by using the ruler and having the line start all the way on the right side.
Core Competency Reflection – Collaboration
“I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives”
I chose this one because i demonstarted this in my work, as i encouraged my partner to help me with what words we should use, and how the characters should speak, to make our script more modern.
“I can work with others to achieve a goal.”
I chose this one because i used this skill to finish the Script assignment, as i worked with a classmate member whom i worked really hard with, to change the story into a more modern one, by changing the way the character talk and also changing the words the characters used to speak.
“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share”
I chose this one because i used it in my work, as me and my partner had split the work amongst ourselves and trusted eachother to do our own share on the assignment, and so i decided to be responsible and do my part of the story that I had to change into a modern one, so that we could be able to finish on time, and
I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see all of us discussing and evalutating on what the answer may be, this may look something like us being busy writing or talking a little loudly.
If I notice my group is struggling on trying to find the answer of an equation, then that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking the teacher or maybe trying several deferent ways until we find out the answer.
I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by always making sure that everyone has at least shared/wrote an answer for an equation or the way to solve an equation.
I chose this picture because it represents how I feel when we work on the whiteboards, as it it makes me feel like i am a part of someting, because every member of the group gets to share an opinion or an answer to the group so that we could help eachoter, meaning that everyone gets a role in the group. I also chose this picture because i feel really supportive when we work on the whiteboards, as we all get to help eachother with solving the equations.
There is a really busy imaginary family that needs a meal schhedule for who is going to be cooking for them during the week and what they are going to eat, as they dont know how to make the perfect meal at the perfect time when the whole family is home.
Monday hyunseo
Tuesday Ali
Wednesday kyarash
Thursday Ali
Friday shane
2 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Black bean tacos
tuna casserole
Spinach and cheese ravioli
Vegetable pad thai
Portion of Recipe
Serve 4 people
Serves 4 people
half recipe serves 4 people
Serves 4 people
Serves 6 people
20 minutes parent A
15 minutes teen 1
Parent B & Teen 2 45 minutes
20 minutes parent A
40 minutes. parent B
Dinner Time
On monday, i chose to make 2 grilled cheese snadwiches because it takes a really short time as it only takes 20 minutes, meaning that there will be enough time for parent A to have dinner ready early so that everyone could start eating i also chose to make 2 grilled cheese sandwiches because it will serve the whole family. I will also have Parent A cook because he will have enough time to finish dinner just in time when everyone is home.
On Tuesday, I chose to make black bean tacos because it doesn’t consume as much time and because it serves 4 people, which is perfect as it is just the amount of people that we have in the family. On Tuesday I will have teen 1 cook since its going to be an easy recipe as it only takes 15 minutes to make, I also chose teen 1 to cook becasue he has a lot of time for him to cook until everyone is home.
On wednesday i chose to make a half recipe tuna cassarole because it serves 4 people and it doesnt take that long and plus its not a hard recipe which will make it easier for teen 2 to help with the cooking. I will have both parent B and teen 2 cook because they will have enough time to finish dinner when everyone is home.
On Thursday I chose to make spinach and cheese ravioli because it’s a really delicious dish and because it serves 4 people and only takes 20 minutes which is exactly what I wanted as I will be able to make dinner ready just in time when everybody’s. On Thursday, I will have parent A cook, as there will be enough time for him to make the food fresh before parent B comes so that they can all eat together, as the recipe only takes 20 minutes.
On Friday i chose to make vegetable pad thai because it will serve the whole family and because it doesnt take that long to make. I will have parent B cook because he will have the time to finish making dinner when everyone is home.
Me and my group communicated through a shared document where we planned and discussed our decisions. we also communicted through a teams room created for us which we used to talk about our choices on the meal planning assignment.
Me and my group used technology through creating a shared word document so that it can be easier for us to cimmunicate. However using technology got pretty rough as not everybody participated on communicating in the word document which made it hard for us to get our work done.
Tasks were distributed in our group based on our interests as everyone just picked what they wanted to do and when they wanted to do, all on their own. However we did have to make some changes in assigning tasks as we had situation where people picked the same recipe and so we had to give the recipe to the one who asked for it first. Ali: Friday, tuesday, Wednesday, and friday. Hyunseo: Monday
Tasks that I completed included making the justification for the following days: Tuesday, Wednsesday, Thursday and Friday. I also made the justification for why I choose whom to cook for the same days. You can see my contribution by checking our word dcoument and finding that there are no justification for the days except on this post.
If there is a disagreement within the group, i find it helpful to find a solution that works for both by taking consideration to include both opinions so that there can be no more disagreement.
I know the group is working well when i see them communicating with eachother and when i see them collaborating with eachother on the tasks.
I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I changed the person cooking for my days so that someone else can use him because it fit his schedule more.
I seek, develop and weigh options as demonstrated by choosing whom should cook for the the days and what they should cook.
Creating this movie made me realize that to find a characters identity markers you will need to study about their history and the environment they lived in, i showed my learing by giving the characters a darker skin tone as i knew that it was hot in Greece which meant that they were probably tanned. Through creating the mvie i also learned that to find a setting you will need to know where the story is being told from, i showed this in my movie by making a dark forest the setting for Lysander and Hermias escape because in the story Hermia and Lysadner said that they had to go through the woods which was hard to see in because it was dark, which helped me imagine that they were probably in a dark forest filled with trees. In my movie i decided to put a dramatic and emotional song as my music choice because it fit the the story as there was alot of drama in the story and because the story had some emotional scenes.
Core Competency
“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences”, i know this because in the movie i showed this by explaining why i chose the settings and identity markers to represent my explanation.
“I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share”, i know this because in the movie i collaborated and contributed on my shares and responsibilities upon creating the movie, as i did my part of voice overs, picures and explaining.
“I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way”, i know this because in the movie i showed my understanding of information in a clear and organized way, as i did everything according to the precdure.
“I work with others to achieve a goal”, i know this because through the creating the movie i worked with a partner in which he helped me accomplish finishing this movie.
Well hey there, my name is Ali and I’m a 14-year-old male. Some words that would describe me are trustful, helpful, competitive, stubborn, and athletic as I play many sports like soccer, volleyball and handball. Some things that I need you to know about me are that I am obsessed and in love with music, as I listen to music when I study, when I go out, or when I play. my favourite music genre is indie and romance because I really enjoy the beats and lyrics under them. Another thing that I absolutely love, is space. I mean how could you not like space, it’s just so fascinating, and it’s always just so much fun wondering about other things that could be in space like if there is another species out there living just like us and wondering the same things as us. The thought of knowing that there are quintillion more plants out there in space just amazes me, like I just find it crazy. Some goals that I have set for myself are to always be the best I can be, to develop my time management skills, and to not be shy anymore, so that I can be able to communicate more easily with people. In my free time, I usually like to play video games and read books. some video games that I usually play are, “Valorant” and “Minecraft”, and book genres that I usually like to read are Romance, Mystery, and Manga. Some of my favourite genre books are, “The Fault in our Stars”, “The Scythe”, “Murder on the Orient Express”, and “Devils’ Line”.
My favourite website of all time is Spotify, because there are all types of music and artists on Spotify that I like listening to. I like listening to music because it helps me focus, it comforts me and it helps with distracting me from situations I try to escape.
My favorite video:
I chose this video because Lionel Messi is both my idol and my favourite soccer player. This video also inspires me, because it drives me to work harder on my soccer skills so that one day I could become a good soccer player just like Messi.
My favorite image:
I chose this image because fall is my favourite season, and because all my life I have always liked and wanted to walk on a road that is filled with orange trees and leaves. This image is also very meaningful to me as my grandma used to always talk about how the last thing she wanted to do in the world was to jump in a field full of leaves.
My favorite quote:
‘”the way I see it, if you want the rainbow you, you gotta put up with the rain”- Dolly Parton. I chose this quote because I find it very meaningful and inspirational. After all, it helps me stay patient and it drives me to work harder in life, as it means that if you want happiness, success or whatever you searching for, you must first do what it requires to reach there, even if it may be something you don’t like.
website: “Listening Is Everything.” Spotify,
video:Most Humiliating Skills By Lionel Messi.,
image: Unsplash. Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash.
quote: The Way I See It, If You Want the Rainbow, You Gotta Put up with the Rain. – Dolly Parton – Quotespedia.Org.