My Learning of CPR

Something that I learned in which I hadn’t considered before would be the risks of CPR as you could break someone’s rib when performing it. One key takeaway from the practical CPR unit is to show us how to act properly when seeing a person with a stroke, heart attack, choking…etc. Finally, this unit also connects to the previous nutrition unit because in order for us to know to not have any of the risk factors, we would need to have a balanced diet.
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in… times when I was assessing responsiveness and making sure everyone was clear of the body during the AED.
One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is… by educating and awaring the people from the dangers and the risk factors of strokes and heart attacks, in order for them to be careful and be wise of their diet.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… try/attempt introducing myself to the group and have them introduce themselves so that we could get along quicker.