My Advertisement

This is my adertisement assignment. It is made to advertize this flower, which is called the sweet briar. I included a few advertizing appeals, like logical, emotional and ethical.


I used logical appeal in this ad by adding statements about the product that makes logical sense while making the product more appealing to the viewer. the logical appeal statements are located in the bottom 3 pink boxes. In logical statements, it talks about how the flower will help the buyer in their everyday life .


I used the ethical appeal by putting in a picture of Harry Styles in an outfit that has a similar color palette as the flower. I then out the two hex codes of the outfit and the flower to showcase how similar they are. I then added a quote saying that Harry Styles drew inspiration from the color of the flower, which made the color more appealing to the buyer. The quote was fake, I made it up for the sake of this assignment.


I used emotional appeal in a small portion of this ad, which was the mention of pollinators and wildlife. I thought that this idea would make people buying this product feel better about it, as they are helping the wildlife in doing so.


I used to think that making an ad like this would be easy and not time-consuming and now I know that it is, because when making an advertisement yu really have to think about the ways that each sentence affects the potential buyer, and you have to be careful to not scare them off with a sentence said wrong, poor design, or wrong usage of advertising techniques and pictures.

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was going out in places like malls, where there are plenty of ads to see which ones appeal in which way to get inspiration to make my own ad.

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully on this project can be seen in the small pink boxes. They bring the message across quickly and clearly, without having the potential buyer read a paragraph.


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