In this assignment I made character collages for all main characters from the book Fahrenheit 451 that we read in class. This project required a lot of creative thinking, as I had to connect every part of the collage to the character somehow. I didn’t include any pictures of the characters or direct references as I wanted to give myself a little bit more of a challenge, and it was indeed challenging. The main difficulty in this project was to encapsulate and portray the feeling, the vibe of each character. I used an app called landing for this assignment, and it definitely made my job a whole lot easier, being a collage app and all. If I were to redo this project, I probably would’ve do a better job at the Montag one, it was the first one that I did, and I didn’t have enough time to redo it and it’s the only one I’m not particularly happy with, as I feel it could be more related to the character and his vibe.