I persevered over time to develop my ideas, and I expected setbacks and failure, but used that to develop my ideas. A lot of the time, I had to keep on going with the assignment even though I wanted to quit or restart. Some aspects of the building were hard to make, and I wanted to scrap the whole design and make an easier house. I watched videos to help me figure out my problems, some videos worked, and some didn’t. For example, when a video said to use a modifier that didn’t work for me, I had to think of a way to create a similar effect without using it. I knew that all of the videos won’t work for me, and I had to come up with solutions to my problem. Having these failures made me develop my skills and think more creatively. I realized that I don’t have to do everything the video says, and I can take some creative liberty.
I recognized my emotions and used strategies to manage them. Creating models in blender can be very frustrating for a beginner. This was how I felt when doing this assignment. I had quite a lot of setbacks and failures while making the houses that I had to overcome by the use of strategies. I acknowledged that I was getting frustrated and annoyed at the program and I had to calm myself down. I took breaks from the houses by working on additional elements in the scenery. I quite enjoyed making something different and it was very positive and calming for me. When I came back to the houses, I felt better about my skills and more confident about how my houses look. I was also getting overwhelmed about the due date and finishing on time. By half of the week, I wasn’t where I hoped to be. I decided to download blender on my own computer in hopes to get it complete on time. I found that I was more focused and had more energy while working at home. My progress started to pick up and eventually I caught up to where I wanted to be.
I formed new ideas to create new things. I also built on the ideas of others. I tried searching for a good video on how to make a streetlamp. Most of them were confusing or way too long to watch. I put aside the streetlamp to figure out later. One of my buildings had a lantern on its reference photo so I decided to make that in the meantime. I was very satisfied with the result, and I figured that I could use some of the same techniques in the video on my streetlamp. I got a reference photo of a streetlamp and created its shape on my own. I then used the technique of making the light emit and the pole metallic. I really liked how the lights look in my whole scenery. I made another lamp from my own ideas and put it onto another house, even though it didn’t have a lamp in its reference photo.