R1-Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day in Canada has some similarities and differences from Japan. Both cultures give and receive chocolates to express love, appreciation or kindness towards another. The chocolates or gifts also mean different things depending on what is it and who you give it to. However, the confessing culture is different. In Japan people give chocolates to others that they like even though they may have never spoken or interacted with them before. While in Canada, people give chocolate to their significant other who they are already dating.  No one really confesses on Valentine’s Day. Personally, on Valentine’s Day I do very little to celebrate the actual holiday. This year I gave chocolates to my close friends, but I usually don’t give anything. It is also one of my best friend’s birthday so I focus more on her celebration. I feel like Valentine’s Day is a bit cringe and sappy and I don’t think it is that important.

Regardless of how I feel now, Valentine’s Day in elementary school was important to me and others. I liked decorating my Valentine’s Day bag that held the treats classmates gave out. The best part was seeing my bag full of candies and eating them later. Although, I didn’t like writing my Valentine’s cards and attaching the candy to it. It took up a lot of time because I had to write everyone’s, including mine, names on it. When I was in the younger grades, I didn’t know how to spell certain names, so I had to get help from my mom, and I was slow at writing. Giving out chocolates to classmates stop at the end of elementary school in Canada. But in Japan, it carries on to high school and even to workplaces. People feel obligated to give their classmates, co-workers or other acquaintances. This type of gifting is called “Giri Choco”. Stated in the website below, some companies banned Giri Choco because they think it is useless and puts an obligated burden on people. It can also create misunderstanding on what type of gift they are receiving. The intention of the giver could be giving a giri choco but the receiver may think they are getting a honmei choco (love chocolate). I agree with this reasoning and think that Canada should not take on the excessive giving of giri chocco.


I don’t like the concept of kokuhaku in Japan because its very different from Canada and I feel like its more awkward. Kokuhaku is basically confessing your love to someone, but unlike Canadians, Japanese people confess to other that they barely know. In the west, people get to know each other before finding out their true feelings and confessing them. In Japan, many people confess to other that they have barely interacted or talked with. I find this weird and awkward because what if they start dating and come to realization that they don’t like each other anymore. Its also weird being confessed to by someone you barely know because you wonder why they like you if they don’t even know what you are like. Honmei choco is given to love interests and are usually homemade. Girls (usually) buy chocolate making supplies from the department store to make for their love interest. This chocolate is homemade to show the amount of effort and affection put into the chocolate in hopes that they would accept their confession. I also don’t like this concept if you aren’t already dating because you put so much time and effort into making chocolate just to maybe get rejected.

However, kokuhaku has some positives. It is very direct, and you know the person’s true feelings. Situationships don’t really exist because almost everyone is direct with their feeling and there is little room for misunderstandings. According to this video, confessing and dating goes quickly. They go on a few dates before someone ends up confessing. Majority of people in Japan confess before officially dating because they are scared that they are going to lose the other person if they don’t make it clear that they like them and want to date. Meanwhile, in Canada and other countries, people don’t really do confessions and just start dating. After a few dates, both parties know whether they like each other or not and will keep going out with them if they want to pursue a romantic relationship. It is based off intuition and reading each others vibe.

Valentine’s Day in Japan and Canada have many similarities and some differences. The types of chocolate given are the same like tomo choco (friend chocolate), giri choco (obligation chocolate) and honmei choco (love chocolate). But Japan takes the level of gifting to the next level, and it seems more intense. I am happy with Canada’s way of Valentine’s Day and I wouldn’t want to change it to the way Japan does it.

English 10 Reflection

I have learned many new skills in English 10 like identifying poetic devices, finding meaning in poems, and understanding Shakespeare. These skilled have helped me find success with other classes. I now use a variety of words that are at or above grade level and that has shown a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught. In English 10 I have made a lot of new friends and connections with my peers. We help each other out with assignments which is beneficial to our mark. Out of the whole course, the assignment that I was most proud of was my newspaper and poem for my novel study project. I showcased many skills I have learned in the class like writing in different perspectives and creating my own poem using poetic devices and hidden meaning. The final result came out really well and I believe that it is my best assignment.

WWI Monument Reflection

SS Midterm Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in the monument we made. Our monument has a lot of meaning and my partner and I put a lot of thought into building it. The parts of our monument clearly convays the impacts of the battle and its easy to tell what is going on. On the graves it has the number 6,500 and a Canadian flag next to it. This number represents the number of dead and injured Canadian soldiers who have fought in the battle. I decided to put a Canadian flag so people clearly know that its Canadian soldiers and not soldiers in general. The guy on the top is leaning away and has a cloth to his mouth. You can tell that he is trying to get away from something harmful, which is what we were trying to tell.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include thier strenghts and what they are comfortable with. I let my group memebers decide what they wanted to do before I could. I was fine with any task but I wanted to make sure that they were comfortable with theirs. Their strengths and comfort carry on to their work. We wanted to have the best work possible so thats why we divided our tasks into our strengths.

I can work on representing and adressing multiple perspectives in this project by asking my group members who were doing the writing portion what they thought of the monument. My partner and I created the monument on our own and didnt show our other group members what it was going to look like. I should have shown our outline before we built it and asked for feedback. They could have had good ideas to put in the monument and we missed out on that.

Science Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking

I used creative thinking skills to come up with a landing pad for an egg being dropped from various heights. I knew that I wanted to make a type of trampoline for the egg to bounce off of safely. I recognized that plastic wrap is bouncy and stretchy like a trampoline. I also decided to use yarn to support the plastic wrap and to help cushion the egg’s fall. When we tested the trampoline objects bounced too high and fell out of the structure. Our group decided to add a barrier so that the egg doesn’t bounce or roll off and crack. During this project I took in all my group members ideas and put them together to make a final landing pad. I wanted to make sure everyone ideas were included and heard. The landing pad was very successful and the egg survived all of the heights that it was being dropped from.

Core Competency Goals


I will participate in class more often by sharing information that I know. When the teacher wants us to answer a question, I will raise my hand and answer. I will also contribute my ideas when we have a class discussion. I usually hold back because I don’t know if my ideas and answers are the correct ones. I should step out of my comfort zone and participate more. Having a wrong answer or a bad idea isn’t the end of the world. Participating in class is also beneficial to me because I will understand what we are learning on a deeper level.

When I disagree with someone, I will be patient and talk about our ideas. I want to work on this goal because I often get impatient and annoyed with people who disagree with me or don’t get what we are doing. When people ask simple questions, I get annoyed because I think that it’s easy. I should acknowledge that people need support on different things and help them to the best of my ability. When I disagree with someone, I will try to see where they are coming from and their thinking. I will be more open-minded and use their ideas.

Food Studies Core Competency Self-Assessment


I used my collaboration skills when dividing up the tasks. I talked with my group member’s and asked them what they felt comfortable doing. Based on that information I decided to make the icing, which no one wanted to do. I feel that it’s important for everyone to work on the tasks they want so that the lab would actually be fun for them. I also used collaboration while brainstorming what cupcake and we should make. We came up with a main idea (berry themed) and branched off from there. One of my group members wanted to have a lot of fruit flavour in the cupcake. I came up with the idea of making a berry flavoured icing.

My First Year

My first year of high school was intimidating but eventually fun. I was overwhelmed by the size of the building and was scared that I was going to get lost when trying to find my classes. I used the map to help me find my classes and soon enough, I got used to the schedule and where I needed to go. As I settled in my classes, I met a lot of new people and made a variety of friends. This year I really enjoyed my English and Japanese class. I really liked my classmates because they were super supportive and fun to be around. Those subjects are also the most interesting for me and I enjoyed learning new things. This year I also found out that I work and learn better in groups. Having a variety of opinions and views on topics help me see different perspectives and further my learning. Working with my friends is also just super fun and I look forward to completing assignments with them. This year flew by super fast and I’m excited to go back next year!


Quizlet has helped me tremendously this year and even previous years. Quizlet is my favourite website for studying for tests. It has many different features for studying from flashcards to matching games and even an AI chat bot. Quizlet makes studying fun and I find myself reviewing and studying more. I found that using Quizlet to study for Japanese has helped me memorize words faster and longer.

I chose this video because I made it for the ADL debate assignment. I spent a lot of time and effort with my partner to brainstorm ideas, create an argument and turn it into a video. I used topics and ideas that I have learned in different classes to support my claims. For example, in socials I learned that people resort to violence as a last resort, and I used that fact in my argument. I think that this assignment clearly shows the skills that I have learned and developed this year.

I chose this image because for me, its the most important thing I learned this year. I looked forward all year to take Japanese and its my favourite class. This image shows the Hiragana chart which is one of the alphabets that Japan has. This alphabet is the fundamental one and I think that its the most important. This chart is very helpful because it shows how the characters are pronounced and how to write them in the right order. Without memorizing the characters, Japanese would be very hard to learn so that’s why I think this image is the most important.

-Nelson Mandela

I like this quote because it applies to many different areas in my life. This quote is telling you to just push through all the challenges because when you look back, you will realize that it wasn’t impossible to do. When I think an assignment is hard, I try my best to get it done and it almost always ends up being easy to do.

Works Cited

8 Nelson Mandela Quotes That Inspire Me Every Day. https://www.lionworldtravel.com/news/8-nelson-mandela-day-quotes. Accessed 27 May 2024.

David. _25A0059. photo, 3 July 2020. Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/bootbearwdc/50076780993/.

Koichi. ‘27 Hiragana Charts: Stroke Order, Practice, Mnemonics, and More’. Tofugu, 5 Apr. 2016, https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/hiragana-chart/.

WIDMER, Karine. English:  Hiragana Table with Stroke Order. escale-japon.com (archived) at the Wayback Machine, Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Table_hiragana.jpg. Accessed 27 May 2024.


The Japanese version of Spiderman differs quite a bit from the western version, mostly in the plot. Takuya Yamashiro who is a motorcycle racer got his powers by encountering a guy who is from the planet Spider. The guy, Garia wants to avenge his planet because it got destroyed by an evil group called the Iron Cross Army. He gives Takuya “spider extract” which makes him gain powers. Takuya’s goal is to fight the Iron Cross Army because it was their fault that is father died and to fulfill Garia’s wish. Peter Parker is a high school student who went on a field trip to see spiders. While he was distracted, a genetically altered spider bit him causing him to gain powers. Peter Parker fights more humanized creatures who are threatening the city. Both spidermen have the same costume and string power, but the main difference is that Takuya is fighting for revenge and Peter is fighting to protect.

I would say that the graphics and costuming are the most interesting part of this show. Whenever the Iron Cross Army shows up its funny because they are toy looking robots. Its hard to take them seriously when they look so plasticity and childish. This show was made quite some time ago so the graphics are obviously not good, but they still could have made the villains scarier. Supaidaman’s costume is also funny because it looks poorly made. The fabric is very thin, his eyes are glittery, too high up and too small. Other than that, I would say that the other costumes look cool. I am a fan of Garia and Professor Monster’s outfits because they are detailed and relate to their character.

I would recommend this show to others if they are bored and looking for something interesting but funny to watch. This show is unintentionally funny because it is very outdated and overdramatic. It has a good number of episodes to get invested in without having too many to the point that people won’t want to watch it anymore. I think that it’s a perfect show to watch casually because its very simple to follow along and its hard to forget the plot.

I think that future generations would think that our media is cringy and overdramatic. I find that as the years go on, media becomes less dramatic and has a lack of flair. Serious themes are being introduced and consumed more often and I think this trend will keep on going into the future. Even if we think that our media today is amazing, future generations probably will disagree. This is a cycle that will keep on happening throughout humanity.

R3 – School Life

School in Japan is quite different from Canada, but still have some similarities. Some differences are that Japanese schools use blackboards, the desks are arranged in rows, students stay with their class all year and all middle and high school students wear uniforms. Some similarities are that there are 3 levels of school, elementary, middle, high and that there are a lot of clubs. I wish that students were more involved in clubs, I would say only about half the students in Centennial are a part of a club. In Japan basically everyone is a part of a club. I think this is because people over here do more outside of school activities instead of their school clubs. Students in Japan don’t have much time after school to do these activities. A lot of them have cram school (after school school) and don’t come home until very late.

I think that students should have more responsibilities at school to prepare them for the future. Its important for kids to build on good habits at an early age. It also teaches kids to respect property and be tidy because they will have to clean it up in the end. Students will also feel more connected to their school and have a stronger community because everyone is working together to make it a better place to learn.

I would say that I am decent at じゃんけん. I don’t win a lot, but also don’t lose a lot. To snag leftovers, I think that I would make it to the final rounds but lose in the end. I don’t have a strategy for rock paper scissors so I just throw random hands in hopes that I would win. I think that having a strategy would help my chances go up.

Food Studies Core Competencies Self-Assesment

I showed the skill of collaboration in this food’s lab. This was the very first lab we did, and I had to work with very new people. My partner and I divided the roles in this lab. I took on the role of measuring the dry ingredients and mixing it all together. Having equal roles helped us find success in this lab because it went by faster, and we finished on time. I also had the role of dishwasher when cleaning up after the lab. I followed the instructions posted on the cupboards which helped me know what to do and what was expected. Overall, I worked with others to achieve the common goal of baking yummy cookies, getting out of class on time and that’s what we did.

What I can improve on is getting support by other groups when I need help. When my group and I need help we ask the teacher, but we should really ask the groups around us. I shouldn’t be hesitant to ask because it will help my communication skills. In future labs, I will try to keep this in mind to build on this skill further.