I have learned many new skills in English 10 like identifying poetic devices, finding meaning in poems, and understanding Shakespeare. These skilled have helped me find success with other classes. I now use a variety of words that are at or above grade level and that has shown a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught. In English 10 I have made a lot of new friends and connections with my peers. We help each other out with assignments which is beneficial to our mark. Out of the whole course, the assignment that I was most proud of was my newspaper and poem for my novel study project. I showcased many skills I have learned in the class like writing in different perspectives and creating my own poem using poetic devices and hidden meaning. The final result came out really well and I believe that it is my best assignment.
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in the monument we made. Our monument has a lot of meaning and my partner and I put a lot of thought into building it. The parts of our monument clearly convays the impacts of the battle and its easy to tell what is going on. On the graves it has the number 6,500 and a Canadian flag next to it. This number represents the number of dead and injured Canadian soldiers who have fought in the battle. I decided to put a Canadian flag so people clearly know that its Canadian soldiers and not soldiers in general. The guy on the top is leaning away and has a cloth to his mouth. You can tell that he is trying to get away from something harmful, which is what we were trying to tell.
Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include thier strenghts and what they are comfortable with. I let my group memebers decide what they wanted to do before I could. I was fine with any task but I wanted to make sure that they were comfortable with theirs. Their strengths and comfort carry on to their work. We wanted to have the best work possible so thats why we divided our tasks into our strengths.
I can work on representing and adressing multiple perspectives in this project by asking my group members who were doing the writing portion what they thought of the monument. My partner and I created the monument on our own and didnt show our other group members what it was going to look like. I should have shown our outline before we built it and asked for feedback. They could have had good ideas to put in the monument and we missed out on that.
I used creative thinking skills to come up with a landing pad for an egg being dropped from various heights. I knew that I wanted to make a type of trampoline for the egg to bounce off of safely. I recognized that plastic wrap is bouncy and stretchy like a trampoline. I also decided to use yarn to support the plastic wrap and to help cushion the egg’s fall. When we tested the trampoline objects bounced too high and fell out of the structure. Our group decided to add a barrier so that the egg doesn’t bounce or roll off and crack. During this project I took in all my group members ideas and put them together to make a final landing pad. I wanted to make sure everyone ideas were included and heard. The landing pad was very successful and the egg survived all of the heights that it was being dropped from.
I will participate in class more often by sharing information that I know. When the teacher wants us to answer a question, I will raise my hand and answer. I will also contribute my ideas when we have a class discussion. I usually hold back because I don’t know if my ideas and answers are the correct ones. I should step out of my comfort zone and participate more. Having a wrong answer or a bad idea isn’t the end of the world. Participating in class is also beneficial to me because I will understand what we are learning on a deeper level.
When I disagree with someone, I will be patient and talk about our ideas. I want to work on this goal because I often get impatient and annoyed with people who disagree with me or don’t get what we are doing. When people ask simple questions, I get annoyed because I think that it’s easy. I should acknowledge that people need support on different things and help them to the best of my ability. When I disagree with someone, I will try to see where they are coming from and their thinking. I will be more open-minded and use their ideas.