ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgment

AI helped me during this project by generating main ideas and citing websites that it took their information from. I came up with my own points but I needed sources to back up my claims and provide more in depth information about the topic. I made sure that the work I created was still my own by thinking on my own and jotting down ideas, then going to AI to help me further those thoughts. I read what AI had to say and summarized/rewrote what it generated. This helped me understand the topics given to me on a deeper level.

I argued about pro violence in this debate and I half agree with the claims I made. I think that violence helps people gain attention and awareness of what is happening. Even if its bad attention, people would still see and talk about it. Violence is also the last resort for people, so it isn’t used all the time. It shows that people are serious about their beliefs and want change. But I also agree that it can be very traumatizing to victims of violence and scary for people who don’t want to get harmed. Violence can be used stupidly during protests and revolutions which is bad for everyone. That’s why I think violence needs to be used in the right situation when extremely needed.

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by working together on tasks. We worked together on writing the introduction and conclusion. I knew that we both had things we wanted to say in those parts so I proposed that we work on it together. This is way better than one person doing the intro and the other person doing the conclusion because we collaborated more which helped us create more ideas. Another time where we worked together is the making of arguments. Even though we had our own side, we helped each other get more ideas and a different perspective on the topic.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when I wrote the conclusion with my partner. I summarized what I thought were the most important points in this debate and shared it with my partner to make a conclusion. We agreed that violence can be helpful, but it can backfire at times. It is a short conclusion, but I feel like it summarized everything that we talked about while including both sides of the argument.