My Grade 9 Year
My first year of high school was intimidating but eventually fun. I was overwhelmed by the size of the building and was scared that I was going to get lost when trying to find my classes. I used the map to help me find my classes and soon enough, I got used to the schedule and where I needed to go. As I settled in my classes, I met a lot of new people and made a variety of friends. This year I really enjoyed my English and Japanese class. I really liked my classmates because they were super supportive and fun to be around. Those subjects are also the most interesting for me and I enjoyed learning new things. This year I also found out that I work and learn better in groups. Having a variety of opinions and views on topics help me see different perspectives and further my learning. Working with my friends is also just super fun and I look forward to completing assignments with them. This year flew by super fast and I’m excited to go back next year!
A Useful Educational Website
Quizlet has helped me tremendously this year and even previous years. Quizlet is my favourite website for studying for tests. It has many different features for studying from flashcards to matching games and even an AI chat bot. Quizlet makes studying fun and I find myself reviewing and studying more. I found that using Quizlet to study for Japanese has helped me memorize words faster and longer.
A Useful Educational Video
I chose this video because I made it for the ADL debate assignment. I spent a lot of time and effort with my partner to brainstorm ideas, create an argument and turn it into a video. I used topics and ideas that I have learned in different classes to support my claims. For example, in socials I learned that people resort to violence as a last resort, and I used that fact in my argument. I think that this assignment clearly shows the skills that I have learned and developed this year.
A Useful Educational Image

I chose this image because for me, its the most important thing I learned this year. I looked forward all year to take Japanese and its my favourite class. This image shows the Hiragana chart which is one of the alphabets that Japan has. This alphabet is the fundamental one and I think that its the most important. This chart is very helpful because it shows how the characters are pronounced and how to write them in the right order. Without memorizing the characters, Japanese would be very hard to learn so that’s why I think this image is the most important.
An Inspirational Quote

-Nelson Mandela
I like this quote because it applies to many different areas in my life. This quote is telling you to just push through all the challenges because when you look back, you will realize that it wasn’t impossible to do. When I think an assignment is hard, I try my best to get it done and it almost always ends up being easy to do.
Works Cited
8 Nelson Mandela Quotes That Inspire Me Every Day. Accessed 27 May 2024.
David. _25A0059. photo, 3 July 2020. Flickr,
Koichi. ‘27 Hiragana Charts: Stroke Order, Practice, Mnemonics, and More’. Tofugu, 5 Apr. 2016,
WIDMER, Karine. English: Hiragana Table with Stroke Order. (archived) at the Wayback Machine, Wikimedia Commons, Accessed 27 May 2024.