I will participate in class more often by sharing information that I know. When the teacher wants us to answer a question, I will raise my hand and answer. I will also contribute my ideas when we have a class discussion. I usually hold back because I don’t know if my ideas and answers are the correct ones. I should step out of my comfort zone and participate more. Having a wrong answer or a bad idea isn’t the end of the world. Participating in class is also beneficial to me because I will understand what we are learning on a deeper level.
When I disagree with someone, I will be patient and talk about our ideas. I want to work on this goal because I often get impatient and annoyed with people who disagree with me or don’t get what we are doing. When people ask simple questions, I get annoyed because I think that it’s easy. I should acknowledge that people need support on different things and help them to the best of my ability. When I disagree with someone, I will try to see where they are coming from and their thinking. I will be more open-minded and use their ideas.
AI helped me during this project by generating main ideas and citing websites that it took their information from. I came up with my own points but I needed sources to back up my claims and provide more in depth information about the topic. I made sure that the work I created was still my own by thinking on my own and jotting down ideas, then going to AI to help me further those thoughts. I read what AI had to say and summarized/rewrote what it generated. This helped me understand the topics given to me on a deeper level.
I argued about pro violence in this debate and I half agree with the claims I made. I think that violence helps people gain attention and awareness of what is happening. Even if its bad attention, people would still see and talk about it. Violence is also the last resort for people, so it isn’t used all the time. It shows that people are serious about their beliefs and want change. But I also agree that it can be very traumatizing to victims of violence and scary for people who don’t want to get harmed. Violence can be used stupidly during protests and revolutions which is bad for everyone. That’s why I think violence needs to be used in the right situation when extremely needed.
Core Competency Reflection
I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by working together on tasks. We worked together on writing the introduction and conclusion. I knew that we both had things we wanted to say in those parts so I proposed that we work on it together. This is way better than one person doing the intro and the other person doing the conclusion because we collaborated more which helped us create more ideas. Another time where we worked together is the making of arguments. Even though we had our own side, we helped each other get more ideas and a different perspective on the topic.
I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when I wrote the conclusion with my partner. I summarized what I thought were the most important points in this debate and shared it with my partner to make a conclusion. We agreed that violence can be helpful, but it can backfire at times. It is a short conclusion, but I feel like it summarized everything that we talked about while including both sides of the argument.
It is important to remember who benefits from advertisements so that you are aware of if your being targeted or not. Most people aren’t aware that most advertisements you see are targeted towards you. They take information like your age, where you live and financial class and make/give advertisements to you depending on those answers. We should be aware of these advertisements because it’s catered to us, and we would be more likely to buy the product. People should stop and think before buying a product because of its advertisement.
Logical appeal is effective for me and the audience who is viewing the advertisement. I like facts, and when I see an advertisement stating a lot of good things about their product, I would be more likely to buy it. Many people feel that way as well. Logical appeal works because it states amazing facts about the product. We may think that all the facts are true and everything about the product is good. Companies can sugarcoat their product to some degree and trick people into thinking their product is so great. We assume that companies don’t lie and are very truthful in their advertisements, this is often the case, but we should still be very careful and do our own research before buying products.
Testimonial advertising technique works effectively by quoting an expert, famous or regular person. The advertisement uses those testimonials to make people think that they use/recommend the product because its good. Most of the time, the companies are paying the person to say it to make people buy their product. I think its effective in selling a product because a lot of people buy things because others have it. If an influential person says its amazing, then everyone would want to get it to be like the person advertising it. Or if an “expert” claims that its so great, then many ordinary people would buy it because they don’t know its all part of advertising and they believe what the “expert” says. Hearing facts from actual people and not the companies, tricks people into thinking that the testimonies are real, and the famous people or experts have an actual say in the product.
Core Competency Reflection
This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience: I used lots of colour and text that people would be interested/have a connection with. I used the colour explosion with a black background because it feels exciting and its eye catching. I wanted the advertisement to be appealing to look at because I personally like advertisements that do this. It gets the viewers attention and makes them have a positive thinking of the product, since its so fun and colourful. The text/information that the advertisement has connects with many people. It mentions how the camera is high quality and can capture many memories. This will spark nostalgia and other deep feelings. A lot of us would like to relive our memories or go back to the past. By implying this in the advertisement, it impacts people emotionally and makes them want to buy the product.
Some things I thought about when dividing tasks among my partner was splitting the work evenly and making sure they are comfortable doing their parts. We split both the poster and PowerPoint in half and evenly. For the PowerPoint, I made sure that my partner liked the questions on the slides and knew what she was doing. For some slides, we were unsure of what to write so we collaborated and helped each other out. All the work we did came out to be very even. That was the success with this project. We worked well and efficiently together, and I think that the final product was executed well.
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when my partner didn’t know how to word a certain section of a slide. She knew what she wanted to say but didn’t know how to put it in words. I asked her to tell me the main ideas, and that I could help her figure out what to write. She told me that the advertisement was also emotional appeal. Her points were that it mentions memories and reliving them. I built upon her idea by explaining what I feel when I read the advertisement. She thought that was a good idea and put her feelings into helping her word the slide. I also built upon her idea of having a colourful advertisement. She really wanted colour for eye appeal, but most of the colourful backgrounds we found were too busy and distracting from the product. I came up with the idea of the colour explosion in the background. It doesn’t cover the whole poster and elevates the product. Building upon our ideas made us collaborate more and really connect.