One thing I think I did well in this essay was add evidence from the twon stories I had to read in class. I feel that I did this well because I have included direct quotations from the text into my story to support my ideas. I feel like one thing I could have improved on is pruning my work as I feel like their is some unnecessary narration in my writting. I feel like I could also improve on my choice of words because I feel like my writing sounds a bit generic. I could include more powerful words next time to help my writing sound stronger.
Core Competency Self Reflection-
I feel that writing for me is some what easy and hard because I feel like my writing strategies are not fully developed yet. For me pruning was a bit difficult as my word selections were already very basic and generic. Personally I prefer story writing or journaling as I do not really need to follow a specific format. I do not write outside of school as a hobby as I am quite busy and do not really enjoy writing. I will continue to practice my writing in my day to day life and in my post secondary career.
For this self reflection I am choosing to reflect on Personal & Social. I plan to make sure that I explain the rules of the games I play well so everyone understands the rules and to help reduce any problems. By making sure everyone understands the game, this helps us all have more fun and play more rounds. Some of the ways I plan to work to build and maintain relationships are by overcoming my personal struggles to try to communicate with others more and just have a good time overall. When playing games with my group I try to engage with others to make our time together enjoyable for everyone including myself. This year, I will respectfully advocate for my needs by telling my teachers how they can better support my learning needs to help me continue to work towards my academic goals.
Artifact: In textiles I am most proud of my personal/social skills. How I reflected personal awareness/responsibility is by taking my project back a step. I started off with a flaired satin skirt which was way above my skill level so I decided to take a step back and relized that it was way above my skill level before revizing it again.
Explanation: I feel that I reflected my personal/social skills when I put my first project in hold as it was getting a bit too challanging for me as I did not have the skills yet. I showed personal awareness/responsibility by starting a really basic skirt to build up to the skills I needed to finish up my first skirt I was working on.
Explanation: I feel that my garemnt relates and showcases how I used personal awareness as it is a very simple skirt but makes a lot of sence as I had no sewing skills at all and very high expectations for myaelf as a beginner. Some skills I gained through this is confidence in using a sewing machine and basic knowlege in sewing. I would like to continue to grow in my overall sewing skills and designing skills. I feel like I can do this by continuing to take little steps towards bigger goals such as practicing my sewing skills by making simple begginer friendly garments to start, then eventually grow my skills into more complex garments.
What was easy for me was learning the format I had to write in for each story. One diffiulty I faced learning how to add quotes into my writting pieces. I overcame this challange by practicing this task throught the course. What suprised me is how well I am doing in this class as I felt I did not have a full understanding of what to do in this course. I enjoyed the fact that our class got the choice to write about stuff we are passionate about. One thing I did not enjoy was uploading the photos for our stories as I faced some technical difficulties with this. I feel that this course could help me as I learned how to review and write editorials properly which can be useful when I study fashion journalist.
Core Competency Reflection
I show that I value feedback from others in my group by thanking them for doing my peer edits. When reviewing my peer edit comments I make sure I understand it throughly and ask my peers if I have any questions about their feedback. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is when my class and I brainstromed together. This really helped spark my creativiy or enhance ideas I already had into better ones. When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I introduce myself and work in a pleasent matter. I make sure that we both understand each other and make both of us feel like we can share our feedback without judgment. I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I take feedback from my teacher and peers. I always take their feedback with respect and consideration of how it could benefit my learning. One goal I have for myself is to be able to manage a healthy work lifestyle balance. I want to work on the Personal Awareness and Responsibility category. I am choosing to imorove on the “When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…” statment. I am working on this goal as I feel that I tend to get overwhelmed by workloads and deadlines. I will allow myself to take occasional breaks while working when needed and still remain on task after a brain break.
I used creative thinking to generate new ideas and find ways to form connections with the song lyrics by analyzing words. I have used critical thinking when trying to come up with ideas on how I can present my knowledge in a clear way. Organizational skills were also used during this assignment to help me complete all the needed criteria. Some other skills I feel that I used are Time management and Problem-solving. I used these skills when completing the 3 Artifacts in my assigment as I needed to problem solving skills when i could not find connections within the words from the lyrics. I used Time management to ensure i completed my tasks on time and did not procrastinate too much. The last core competency I used is Personal awareness, I think that I used this by being able to reflect about myself connections when doing this paragraph. I expressed well being when writting and journalling about why I chose my media source.
What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Research Assignment?
In this project I feel like I have demonstrated the usage of Personal awareness and responsibility, Critical and reflective thinking, and Creative thinking when doing this assignment.
Personal awareness and responsibility-
I feel like I have expressed my use of this competency by reflecting on this statment. “I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.” This statment spoke to me as I had struggles with this assignment but got threw it and at the end I was overall proud of my work and effort that I put in with the help of extra support.
Critical and reflective thinking-
“I can analyze evidence to make judgements” I have chosen this statment as I feel that this assignment was basically all about analyzing data and reflecting on how that data helped out outcomes overal so we can make accurate judgments.
Creative thinking-
“I can develope a body of creative work over time” This sentence spoke to me as it really reflects in my overal task. I feel that I have gotten the chance to showcase all of my creativity skills and hard work in this assignment.
I can identify my strengths and limits by always trying my best and completing my work to my fullest. I can find internal motivation by always asking for help when I need it and by continuing to challenge myself. I can act on opportunities for self-growth by practicing work that is difficult to me. This can help me learn and gain new skills.
To celebrate an accomplishment such as a good grade I figure out what made me succsed and what I can change for next time. For an example with this me card I like how colourful I made th e card, but I do not like how my card has to be flipped around to read each side so I think next time I should write the words all in one direction.
Communication. During this lab I learned that working together and communication was key. In this lab we were asked to keep one can hot and one can cold. We were aloud to use diffrent materials to achieve these goals. We were paired into groups of three or four and were asked to work together. Diffrent skills and techniques where needed to make this lab have effective results, so the more we worked together to generate ideas the more ideas and techniques we would have.
In this lab I used communication skills by talking to my group and sharing ideas. We thought by coming up with ideas together we would get more ideas that would work. In the end we decided to use snow from outside to keep the cold can cold. Then my group and I were wondering how we can warm up the hot can. We thought about using a blow dryer and a heat lamp but that was taking a while, so we decided to use hot water instead. The hot water made a bit of a success rate, but the cold can more. We noticed that the ice/snow from outside was really working, so we continued using that technique. I noticed that I used communication skills in maybe ways while doing this lab and I hope to continue that while doing future labs.
What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before? Something I learnt in gym was CPR. I learnt that there was an old way and a new way of doing CPR. I also learnt the skills and information on when to do CPR. I was able to grow my knowledge in strokes and heart attacks as well. Some other things I learnt was what an AED is.
What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit? From the Practical CPR unit some take aways for me were the fact that you must push as deep as a key on the persons chest. I also learnt that you are supposed to use an AED to try, and kick start the persons heart again. Some things that I leaned in the theory unit were the signs of a stroke and the signs of a heart attack. I learnt that the symptoms are similar in some areas for strokes but also diffrent then a heart attack symptom in other areas. I think that the biggest take away was the fact that a stroke and heart attack can possibly happen to anyone, anytime.
How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously? Nutrition and CPR unit correspond, In CPR I learnt that a healthy meal keeps your muscles and organs running properly. During CPR we even learnt about obesity because this can affect your heart. I leant that being overweight is unhealthy because a person’s heart must work harder but not in a safe way. I also learnt that working out and gaining weight through muscles is good for your heart because it keeps it pumping blood and words your organs and muscles in your body. We also learnt that people’s food choices can put them at higher or lower risks for strokes and heart attacks. Heart attacks can be more likely to happen if you have higher cholesterol or are overweight.
Core Competency Reflection:
I advocate for myself: I can advocate for myself when I do not understand something. I ask questions and get the support I need. For an example I was not fully understanding a question on our theory CPR work, So I asked for help.
I make choices that keep me safe in my community and online: When practicing CPR and walking to the classroom to do CPR I made good choices like being responsible and not fooling around in class and on the roads. I also sometimes help others stay on task as well.
I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals: I care about feedback and can take feedback from my teacher when doing CPR. An example of when I did this was when I was doing the practical test on CPR, and I did good at walking around the body and becoming aware of the situation the happened. My feed back was to try and drive my weight forwards and use my shoulders to be able to push more weight onto the body. I cared about this feedback, and I took it to help me improve for the next time I was doing CPR.
I can stand for my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences: I can think of my experiences to help me relate to what I’m learning in CPR. For an example while learning about strokes and heart attacks I related this to symptoms that one of my loved ones has experiences. I learnt why this could happen and what was a possible symptom that made this happen. This helped me understand the difference between a stroke and a heart attack beacuse a few weeks before I did not really know the difference. I was also able to figure out what kind of happened to my loved ones.
A goal I have for myself is to respond to questions more often in class. I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I am reflecting on this goal beacuse at times I felt like I did not communicate and contribute a lot when responding to class questions. To achieve this goal, I will try to communicate more and respond to more questions in class to show that I have a true understanding and care for my learning education, If I am already not showing this as much as I think I am.