Description of the board game:
If you were to look at our board game it may seem basic and boring, but really it is not. You start in the centre of the swirl and that represents your home town and the finish line (the end of the swirl) represents Canada or the U.S. Depending on the cards and actions you get, you will go through the board game with a different storyline each time. Their are a few other twists to make our board game fun like our punishment cards, These cards are for when people don’t do he action cards we supplied or if they get a trivia question wrong. We also had a really funny paper hat and a colourful T-shirts as a punishment as well. The trivia questions can be as simple as “what are the struggles that Irish immigrants faced” they could also be more complex like “Did the slaves from North America escape? If so how?” Our class was learning about British and North America colonization. Our board game could be use as a study guide for colonization because we included the Irish immigration and some fun facts about colonization.
My Achievement:
When me an my classmate were making the board game together I did not agree on some things. So I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. I did this by communicating in a kind way what I felt was wrong about our board game and then we made some changes to the game so we could both agree on it. Fo an example, when we were making our board game we painted it and did not like how it turned out so we both agreed and decided to colour over the watercolour paint with pencil crayons an smudge marker on top of that as well.
My goal:
During the board game sometimes I felt like stuff was dived unfair and I had a har time sharing my opinions and thoughts to my classmate. So I want to work on this statement to make my self a better person. This is the statement: “I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others.” How I will work on this is by gaining more confidence in my self and expressing my thoughts and provide solutions on how we can make it fair. For an example, I can write out what i am going to do in our project and I can write out what my classmate is going to do. Then I can confirm if the work jobs seem equal to her as well, and if they do not we can communicate and change some things around until we both agree on it.