For this self reflection I am choosing to reflect on Personal & Social. I plan to make sure that I explain the rules of the games I play well so everyone understands the rules and to help reduce any problems. By making sure everyone understands the game, this helps us all have more fun and play more rounds. Some of the ways I plan to work to build and maintain relationships are by overcoming my personal struggles to try to communicate with others more and just have a good time overall. When playing games with my group I try to engage with others to make our time together enjoyable for everyone including myself. This year, I will respectfully advocate for my needs by telling my teachers how they can better support my learning needs to help me continue to work towards my academic goals.
Artifact: In textiles I am most proud of my personal/social skills. How I reflected personal awareness/responsibility is by taking my project back a step. I started off with a flaired satin skirt which was way above my skill level so I decided to take a step back and relized that it was way above my skill level before revizing it again.
Explanation: I feel that I reflected my personal/social skills when I put my first project in hold as it was getting a bit too challanging for me as I did not have the skills yet. I showed personal awareness/responsibility by starting a really basic skirt to build up to the skills I needed to finish up my first skirt I was working on.
Explanation: I feel that my garemnt relates and showcases how I used personal awareness as it is a very simple skirt but makes a lot of sence as I had no sewing skills at all and very high expectations for myaelf as a beginner. Some skills I gained through this is confidence in using a sewing machine and basic knowlege in sewing. I would like to continue to grow in my overall sewing skills and designing skills. I feel like I can do this by continuing to take little steps towards bigger goals such as practicing my sewing skills by making simple begginer friendly garments to start, then eventually grow my skills into more complex garments.
What has gone well for me this year was gaining confidence within my work and assignments I complete, learning new skills by talking to new people, and growing as a person while I learn more about my personal interests. Some ways i did this was when I was in culinary arts class. I learnt a lot of new skills by talking to many of my peers.
Areas to Improve
Action Plans
Don’t be too hard on myself.
I will try to do this by being less of a perfectionist.
Keep motivated when things get difficult.
I will try to keep motivated by asking for extra support when needed.
Class participation.
I can try being more involved in class activities and try to gain confidence within myself.
Better study routine.
I can learn what works for me when studying and also learn what doesnt work.
improve time managment.
I can do this by trying to find a better balance for myself and try to stay on task at all times.
To celebrate an accomplishment such as a good grade I figure out what made me succsed and what I can change for next time. For an example with this me card I like how colourful I made th e card, but I do not like how my card has to be flipped around to read each side so I think next time I should write the words all in one direction.
If you were to look at our board game it may seem basic and boring, but really it is not. You start in the centre of the swirl and that represents your home town and the finish line (the end of the swirl) represents Canada or the U.S. Depending on the cards and actions you get, you will go through the board game with a different storyline each time. Their are a few other twists to make our board game fun like our punishment cards, These cards are for when people don’t do he action cards we supplied or if they get a trivia question wrong. We also had a really funny paper hat and a colourful T-shirts as a punishment as well. The trivia questions can be as simple as “what are the struggles that Irish immigrants faced” they could also be more complex like “Did the slaves from North America escape? If so how?” Our class was learning about British and North America colonization. Our board game could be use as a study guide for colonization because we included the Irish immigration and some fun facts about colonization.
My Achievement:
When me an my classmate were making the board game together I did not agree on some things. So I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. I did this by communicating in a kind way what I felt was wrong about our board game and then we made some changes to the game so we could both agree on it. Fo an example, when we were making our board game we painted it and did not like how it turned out so we both agreed and decided to colour over the watercolour paint with pencil crayons an smudge marker on top of that as well.
My goal:
During the board game sometimes I felt like stuff was dived unfair and I had a har time sharing my opinions and thoughts to my classmate. So I want to work on this statement to make my self a better person. This is the statement: “I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others.” How I will work on this is by gaining more confidence in my self and expressing my thoughts and provide solutions on how we can make it fair. For an example, I can write out what i am going to do in our project and I can write out what my classmate is going to do. Then I can confirm if the work jobs seem equal to her as well, and if they do not we can communicate and change some things around until we both agree on it.
By doing this digital footprint online, I make a positive difference to my peers. I can make a positive impact by doing this because I am sharing my knowledge on how to be safe online. My knowledge can help my peers and others become informed about being safe online and digital footprints. I make digital ethical choices such as making my social media private in order to keep my online life and personal life safe. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include knowing what is right to post, say, and do online.
During this sharks tank assignment I demonstrated being kind to others, and supporting others when they need it. I was kind to my partner and I supported her when needed. My partner and I had different ideas for our project and I was kind and respectful about that. When my partner needed help on the presentation I asked how I could help and gave a few suggestions on what we can do to make our presentation better. An example of this is when my partner needed help on facts about the X-ray. I was able to research some information and facts about the x-ray and together we incorporated that information in our presentation. A few ways that I was being kind is when I realized that we are both good at different things. My partner was really good at designing our PowerPoint but I lacked in that area so we were kind to each other and supported each others weaknesses.
I Can Statement #2
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. When working with my partner I was always respectful. One way I demonstrated being respectful was when my partner needed help I gave her my support. I also listened and was open to her new ideas. I was respectful when we were sharing our opinions and thoughts about our project. I was able to give my ideas in a respectful way. During our project I was inclusive. I was inclusive by making and sharing a word document with my partner so we could both share our ideas and thought. This made it easy for us to work on our project together since we could both see the same thing on our laptops. I was also inclusive by always working together in class and by actually communicating in person to share our thoughts, opinions and changes we could make to our presentation.
A Summery Of The Assignment
For this assignment I was asked to make a PowerPoint Presentation about a product that helped the industrial revolution. We were given the option to work in pairs or alone to create one PowerPoint. We were also asked to give information on our topic we chose and present our PowerPoint in front of the class as if we were the actually inventor of the product. During our presentation We were asked to read our information to the class, share our photos of our invention, and ask people to invest in our business. At the end of our presentation we had to answer questions from our classmates and teacher.
I demonstrated social awareness and responsibility during this class character assignment. During this assignment, I was asked to come up with some ways that we could make the class a great environment for all. I was communicating with my group on ways we could be inclusive in the class. I remember that I said that we can accept everyone for who they are and include them in activities. Another person from my group said that we could use a picture of puppies because they come in all different sizes and shapes but they are all included in the puppy pile. I communicated and shared my ideas, thoughts, and opinions while being respectful. I was always aware of how I was sharing my thoughts. I made sure to be respectful when disagreeing or not liking something that someone said. Myself and my group also had to contribute ideas on how we would be welcomed. Welcoming was a hard word to define for my group and, so we asked each other what made us feel welcomed. We all had different ideas. Some people had a really different means of welcome than I did. I was respectful of their ideas and I shared my ideas with them. Over all, we were able to come to a common understanding and sentence that included all of our ideas. Then we also found a nice image that represented our meaning of welcoming.