Social Awareness and responsibility
I Can Statement #1
During this sharks tank assignment I demonstrated being kind to others, and supporting others when they need it. I was kind to my partner and I supported her when needed. My partner and I had different ideas for our project and I was kind and respectful about that. When my partner needed help on the presentation I asked how I could help and gave a few suggestions on what we can do to make our presentation better. An example of this is when my partner needed help on facts about the X-ray. I was able to research some information and facts about the x-ray and together we incorporated that information in our presentation. A few ways that I was being kind is when I realized that we are both good at different things. My partner was really good at designing our PowerPoint but I lacked in that area so we were kind to each other and supported each others weaknesses.
I Can Statement #2
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. When working with my partner I was always respectful. One way I demonstrated being respectful was when my partner needed help I gave her my support. I also listened and was open to her new ideas. I was respectful when we were sharing our opinions and thoughts about our project. I was able to give my ideas in a respectful way. During our project I was inclusive. I was inclusive by making and sharing a word document with my partner so we could both share our ideas and thought. This made it easy for us to work on our project together since we could both see the same thing on our laptops. I was also inclusive by always working together in class and by actually communicating in person to share our thoughts, opinions and changes we could make to our presentation.
A Summery Of The Assignment
For this assignment I was asked to make a PowerPoint Presentation about a product that helped the industrial revolution. We were given the option to work in pairs or alone to create one PowerPoint. We were also asked to give information on our topic we chose and present our PowerPoint in front of the class as if we were the actually inventor of the product. During our presentation We were asked to read our information to the class, share our photos of our invention, and ask people to invest in our business. At the end of our presentation we had to answer questions from our classmates and teacher.