The Summoning: The Movie

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting & Mood

· It was easy to figure out what the protagonist looked like because half of her appearance was shown on the cover on the book. On page 7 and 8 it explained more about how she

· I tried to narrow down the most important events and points in the story where things suddenly change and makes you view things totally different. Like an unexpected twist to the story or when the protagonist has a new motivation, goal, or desire.

· I figured out the setting by reading through the story and taking note when the setting would change. The setting didn’t end up changing much and the majority of the story was based in Lyle House. The setting is significant to the story that is where all the characters meet, secrets are discovered, huge events that impact the story take place, and where conflicts and development happen.

· Mood is a feeling that can make a difference to the story or plot. Depending on the mood, the way you view things about the story can be affected. I decided to use a sound with kind of creepy, unpredictable and unsettling sound as the background music for my movie because that is what I felt while reading this book. Some things that happened were unpredictable.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. When I need to boost my mood of re-focus I take a break. Because often, when I can’t focus it’s because I am exhausted or feel drained and have no motivation to keep doing whatever I am doing. Taking a break gives me some time to think about what I can do to make myself feel better and how to make myself determined to do better so I can get something done.

2. A skill that I have developed to make my creative activities better is note taking. Since I started notetaking I became more organized and detailed when it comes to work. Taking notes and planning ahead gives me more time to change or develop my ideas so that when the time comes, I don’t waste time doing something extra because I changed my mind about something or I didn’t like the outcome of the first try.

3. IN discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend my understanding by asking questions so that I can make suggestions and add ideas to the topic.