Strength: Remembering Information and Directions
I believe a strength of mine is remembering directions and information on how to solve or read a problem. Even though it takes me a while and I ask a lot of questions , in the end I can understand how to do it and be able to teach and help out someone else.
A time where I used this strength was I was really stuck on a problem while studying for a math test (Unit #2 I think) that I knew would be on the next week. I was really stressed because I missed almost the whole unit because I was at home, and sick. When I came to school I asked a classmate how to solve the problem I was stuck on and I did start to understand it more. I did answer the problem but I had done it incorrectly. I asked Mr. Hansen to make sure I was doing it right, just to make sure I don’t mess anything up on the test. The way my classmate taught me had resulted in the same answer but the steps that I learned from them was different from Mr. Hansen’s. I asked Mr. Hansen to help me out so he could give me the steps and directions so I can understand better. And so, when I went home that day I did the practice booklet that the class was assigned to do, to help me practice and solve problems to be prepared for the test. When the day of the test came I was nervous because I knew I missed a lot of the unit. I found myself stuck on the same kind of problem and I was panicking. Then I remembered what Mr. Hansen taught me and the steps and directions he gave me. Then I started panicking less and completed the rest of the test pretty smoothly. When the marks back I realized I had done much better than I thought I would have.
Core Competency Reflection
“I can identify ways which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.”
I do think that that I can grow by being faced with difficult challenges. If I fail once, then I can recognize the mistake I made and and how I can improve and find ways to succeed. To do that, I will figure out my weaknesses, work on and fix any flaws so that I can turn them into my strengths to succeed in the future.
Amina Amani