Science 10 Core Competency Self Assessment

I can analyse evidence to make judgements. During this lab I made sure I analysed and looked over the results of my lab to make sure it seemed correct. When I was putting down the colours onto the lab sheet, I looked over onto the PH scale to make sure there weren’t any mistakes. I would know if there was a mistake by the colour of the product because I can only be one of the two that is in the PH indicator. I skill I learned from this lab was double-checking over my work, even though I had been told to do so before, I hadn’t. But I wanted to make sure I really was right. A skill I could use to grow in the future is organisation. During the lab our whole table was messy so I made a spill and got some chemicals on my hands. Also, it was hard to tell what was what mixture during the lab, because, as you can tell from the picture, we randomly added the chemicals randomly, we should have done it by trow instead, so that I would be able to later tell what colour the outcome was.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Creative Thinking

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.”

My Artifact: Cell Cycle Stop-Motion Video

This Stop-Motion video shows what happens inside the nucleus of the cell during mitosis (Metaphase & Anaphase). It took me around 8 hours to complete the video because I did it in two separate days.

From the beginning I decided to do this with paper, but unexpectedly it was harder and took longer than I thought. It took a long time to cut out all the parts I needed for the inside of the cell as well.

Before I started to put together my video, I went on YouTube to find some examples of cell cycle stop motion video, to get an idea of on what materials to use, but all of them were clay or some type of material that I didn’t have in my house. I Eventually I found a video using paper for the nucleus and cell, but the rest was string and buttons, and I didn’t have those. I just decided to use paper and cut the rest of the parts that I needed.

A skill I learned was how to use stop motion. It was my first time using it, so I looked up videos on YouTube to find out how it works. I was confused at first, but I got the hang of it later. If I ever need to use stop motion again, I will try to get a better set up because my phone moved a lot, and you could see my shadow/reflection on the table throughout the whole video.

ADL-Collaboration and Solutions for Financial literacy

Data and Solutions

3 year 4.2% non-redeemable GIC

  1. 80,000 x 1.042 = 83360
  2. 83,360 x 1.042 = 86,861.12
  3. 86,861.12 x 1.042= 90,509.29
  4. 3rd year of GIC =90,509.29
  5. 3 years total savings = 30,000 (10,000 + 10,000 + 10,000)
  6. 90,509.29 + 30,000 = 120,509.29
    Grand Total = 120,509.29


I chose a 3-year (4.2% non-redeemable GIC) because it’s a much safer option. If I had chosen the 1-year GIC then I would not be able to reach my goal of 120,000. If I had chosen stocks, then it would have been much more of a risk to reach my goal because the stock market is not predictable and a one-year GIC wouldn’t get me to my goal.

Collaboration and Contribution:

(I can Statement Prompt) I missed a lot of work for this assignment but for the few days that I was there I did participate. It was kind of confusing but once we were shown a visual It was easier to understand. I don’t think that this is a strong suit in math for me but it’s nice to know about because it can maybe help me in the future.

Core Competency Reflection:

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions. It doesn’t make sense if I am in a situation where I’m confused, and I just sit there and do nothing about it. I will probably raise my hand and ask a question.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I take a break to help calm myself or create space in my mind to help ideas eventually come to me. I usually listen to music because I don’t have to get up and do anything. I can just close my eyes until I have calmed down and, even if I want to continue listening while I’m doing my work, I can.

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include… limiting my screen time and time on social media. If I notice that I have been on my phone to much then I try to put it down because I know I may have something better to-do. Even if I don’t have anything else to do I can use that time to find something else to do. (ex:help my mom out or clean the house)

Collaboration Prompt:

I show others that I truly value their contributions by hearing and listening to their ideas. Sometimes in group work there are disagreements and arguments because of the fact that one person’s ideas are being ignored and there efforts are going to waste. I like to let people say all their ideas so that all of our contribution is shown and we can present as a group and the work is equal between everyone.

Brochure Reflection

What is the Topic of your brochure?

The character I chose to do my brochure of is Venom. I used to really like Spiderman and watched the movies all the time. Venom is Spiderman’s most “well known/most famous” enemy, when I saw Venom for the first time, I thought he was pretty cool. Olivia and I decided to do Spiderman and Venom so that we would have kind of “matching” brochures.

What Core Competencies did I use?

I used creative thinking to develop my ideas and how I was going to design my brochure.

And I also used critical thinking to question how and what I could do to improve my brochure and make it better.

Front and back

Amina Amani

Animate E-Card Reflection

Scene from my e-card.

What is the theme/message of your E-Card?

The theme of my e-card is a Christmas.

I wanted to make an animation that shows what a kid (most of them) looks forward to most on Christmas morning, which is presents.

What core competencies did you demonstrate with the E-Card Assignment?

I used creative thinking to develop my ideas and expanded them which made my e-card into what it is right now. (The finished product)

I also used critical thinking to develop ideas on how to make each scene and movement function. I took my time to analyze and question how and what I can do to make my animation look better/function.

Amina Amani

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

Made By: WordArt and Microsoft Word

Your Digital footprint is a trace of data that can show your own personal activities and whatever you do online. It is left there forever but can either benefit or ruin you in a way. (Ex. Texts, posting videos or photos of yourself, Buying something online… These things can be on there forever, so be mindful of what you put on the internet about yourselves and others.)  

Internet Safety is an especially important aspect of keeping a clean, safe, and secure digital footprint. The internet can benefit you in many ways (ex. Entertainment, online business, and shopping, searching for information, etc..) but it can also be extremely unsafe, and you could be exploited to hackers, stalkers, and weirdos (pedophiles…). Your future employers often look up things about you and find personal things that may be able to taint your reputation. It is important to be cautious and observant when posting things or sending messages, photos, snaps, etc. To your friends, family, anyone around you. 

Some examples of Unsafe Activities that can potentially harm you and your future… 

  • Public social media accounts (Anyone can see what you post. (Your boss, friends, family, strangers, stalkers, kidnappers, etc.) 
  • Posting photos of yourself on social media (Again, anyone can see you) 
  • Putting your home address, school, age, grade in your profiles for apps. 
  • Clicking on random links (can be nudity, gore, inappropriate photos/videos, etc.) 
  • Telling people passwords to your social media accounts, phone, anything that has private info about you. 

All these can be a risk to getting your address, location, school, age, passwords, leaked. 

To be safe and prevent getting attacked/exploited by stalkers, pedophiles, hackers, or to not be at risk of being exposed to something you did not want to be revealed, here are some things you can do: 

  • Delete apps or reduce the amount of activity on some of them. 
  • Make sure to use different passwords for every account you make because it will make It difficult for hackers to hack into all your social media accounts. 
  • Do not save or send photos that can be controversial or photos of other people. (It will only make it worse for when/if you were to be involved in some kind of rumor or controversy. People can make up things about you, so it is not good to have enemies or bad relationships with others over something that is personal about other people (nude photos, text messages, etc.) 
  • Change your privacy settings (To friends only) and/or private your account(s). 
  • NEVER click on any suspicious websites or links 
  • Do not share your location with anyone unless it is your family or closest friends. 
  • Try not to make online friends (They may not be who they say they are) 

Personal/Social Competency Reflection 

I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including my private life being leaked/open to the world, so I like to adjust my private settings so that the only people that can see what I post are the people that I trust the most.  

My online support network (ex. Teachers’ TEAMS pages, Tech Leadership Edublog, Career Centre website, Library website, Centennial school website, etc.) are helpful to me because they make it easy for me to ask questions. I find this very helpful to me because I often get distracted or just don’t know what to do so having a place where I can ask questions online, not face to face in real life, makes it easier for me as I am not very good at communicating with others. 

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include… Limiting my screen time and staying away from controversial topics online. I think that since I have been spending less time on my phone and from social media, my stress has reduced. I feel like my head is clear and I do not have the urge to look at my phone for notifications (Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram.. Ect.) as much anymore. 

Works Cited: 

“How To Protect Your Digital Footprint.” Morgan Stanley, Accessed 28 Sept. 2022. 

Hickey, Chelsea. “Teenagers: Why You Should Care About Your Digital Footprint.” Social Media Club, 22 May 2013,

#DigitalFootprint #PersonalSocialCC

By, Amina Amani

Core Competency Goal Setting

September 8th 2022

If there is disagreement within the group, I will...

If a disagreement does occur, I usually find myself just starring at everyone with my mouth shut, waiting for everyone else to come to an agreement. Of course, that never ends up happening and things get awkward. I want to change myself so that I can be of help somehow. I don’t know why but I think I avoid saying anything because I hate or am scared of getting involved and getting on someone’s bad side if I do say something. So, my goal is to speak up and try and be of help to finding a solution. I plan by doing that by suggesting hearing out each other’s opinions and sharing what we agree on and disagree on and hopefully everyone sorts things out and comes to an agreement.

When I need to re-focus, I…

When I am distracted, it’s usually because of something that is in my hand or something on my desk. I tend to fidget a lot in class and then, in the end I have no idea what to do when given an assignment or worksheet to do. So, to improve my learning and focus in class I have decided to clear my desk. I know that it seems super simple but to me, it isn’t. Fidgeting with something is hard for me to not do. If there is nothing on my table, I have the urge to put something on it just because I hate how plain – looking my desk looks with nothing on it. And if there is something like a water bottle or pencil I either end up drinking too much water even if I’m not thirsty, or I draw on paper, chairs, or desks. By the end of this year, I hope to not be distracted in class, as well as not fidgeting with anything.

What helps you get new ideas?

I find that a lot of my ideas come from others. I often feel influenced by others because I like their ideas. I remember a lot of times when I got my ideas from others but making my own are difficult. It isn’t because I don’t try. I don’t copy other people’s ideas exact though; I like to change them to fit into my own style, so it doesn’t seem like I’m copying. There are also times when my own ideas come to me as well, but even then, I like to add other people’s ideas to mine to make them “better”.