Daily Lifestyle Tracker
I think that I excel at staying hydrated. Usually, I drink about 2-3 of my 1 litre water bottle. Back when I did the lifestyle tracker I would drink 3-5 of my smaller water bottle. I always keep my water bottle by my side, in case I get thirsty.
I want to add my exercise into my life. I haven’t been going to the gym as often as I used to, my goal is to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I wish to improve my stamina, and take care of my body more. I want to be able to visibly see my gym progress.
The Core Competency I demonstrated was Communication. I communicated with the people around me when I needed to ask questions about what we were working on. If I was confused I asked my surroundings, if they didn’t know I would have asked Ms. Purdey. I also helped my classmates if I knew something and they didn’t, for example the Oreo page in the package, I helped my classmate by explaining the instructions.