Our problem was scheduling. The family all have busy schedules, so finding a time where we all are together to enjoy dinner, and time for one of us to cook for everyone was challenging.
Our solution was too change the schedule for the afternoon activities and rework them to different times
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Recipe | Chickpea Cauliflower Curry | Cheese Pizza | Chicken Noodle Soup | Black Bean Tacos | Grilled Cheese Sandwiches |
Recipe Portions | 8 Servings – 1/2 | 8 Slices – 4 Servings | 6 Servings | 4 Servings | 2 Servings – x4 |
Cook | Parent 2 | Parent 2 | Parent 1 | Teen 2 | Teen 1 |
Dinner Time | 6:15 – 6:25 pm | 6:20 pm | 6:30 – 7:00 pm | 6:10 – 6:35 pm | 6:20 – 6:30 pm |
On Monday, parent 2 will cook Chickpea Cauliflower Curry. This is a good choice because although parent 2 is not a great cook, the curry originates from the middle-east and he has some experience. It has 8 servings, so parent 2 will make 1/2 of the meal.
On Tuesday, parent 2 will cook again and make cheese pizza. It’s a really simple recipe that parent 2 will be able to pull off. It has 8 slices and everyone in the family will eat 2 slices each. 4 servings total.
On Wednesday, parent 1 will cook Chicken Noodle Soup. This is a good choice because the cooking level is medium, good for parent 1 cooking skills. This cook is also experienced with this dish and will be able to easily make it. A traditional family dish.
On Thursday, teen 2 will cook Black Bean Tacos. This is a good choice because it has 4 servings; enough for all members. The difficulty level is low, so it is perfect for a teen.
On Friday, teen 1 will cook Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. This is a good choice because it is the easiest meal to make, and 8 servings of it will be made. Everyone will have 2 servings each for one meal.
New recipe: Cheese Pizza
Collaboration Reflection:
We mainly shared information and communicated through talking. Anything digital, like links and things to copy and paste, we wrote it on Word for our members to see.
We used technology by communicating through the Word document and noted down our info all on our individual Edublog. It was very difficult to use our phones to do the Edublog, since most of us didn’t use laptops.
Tasks were distributed by someone taking lead and giving everyone instructions. We had one person do the dates, one person do the table, and one person to find a reference meal and links. Everyone did their own meals individually.
My job was to make the table. I was also the one who took charge and gave everyone a role and job to do. Our evidence of contribution is the Word document, where everyone noted everything they had ideas from everyone was jotted down.
Self Assessment: Collaboration & Critical Thinking
If I notice my group not doing anything, it’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking Ms. Lam for directions on what to do.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to take lead and make it so we are all working on something individually, and always ask questions to my peers to understand which part of they are at and see if I can help.
Critical Thinking
I compiled and synthesized information to draw reasoned conclusions. Evidence of this is the Word document we as a group made; includes all of my notes and information in one package.
I remain open-minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I talked to everyone individually and listened to their ideas, not excluding them for their perspective and opinions.