Digital Footprint

Staying positive and safe on social media comes down to being mindful, kind and respectful. When you share uplifting content and interact with others in a respectful way, you contribute to a supportive online environment. It is very important to keep your personal information private, so remember to check your privacy settings and think twice before posting. Also, fact-checking before you share something helps to combat misinformation. By spreading kindness and supporting the causes you care about, you will not only improve your online presence, but you will contribute to creating a more positive and safer space for everyone.

Works Cited

Mundt, Marcia, et al. “Scaling Social Movements Through Social Media: The Case of Black Lives Matter.” Social Media + Society, vol. 4, no. 4, Oct. 2018, p. 2056305118807911. (Crossref),

“Problematic Social Media Use and Academic Performance among University Students: An Evaluation from The Middle East.” The Open Nursing Journal, vol. 16, Jan. 2022.,

“The Social Media Effect: Are You Really Who You Portray Online?” HuffPost, 7 Aug. 2013,

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

1.- I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, for example, how potential employers evaluate me online and how my posts can affect my friendships. I try to adjust my actions by sharing things that truly reflect who I am as a person.

2.- Some of my favorite strategies for maintaining a healthy and balanced online presence are to set limits on how much time I spend browsing and to follow accounts that inspire me. I also make sure to keep my privacy settings up to date to protect my personal information.

3.- Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships online are by leaving comments on my friends’ posts and supporting them in their accomplishments, which shows that I am there for them. I also try to send messages to people I haven’t talked to in a while to see how they are doing.


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