June 1

Law- Debates or Separation Agreement

Divorce Artifact


About the Activity

For this assignment, my partner and I were given a list of details of couple that is separating. Then we had to negotiate with each other and decide who would get what from the divorce. This includes the car, the children, the house, etc. We then had to use a website to make a formal separation agreement. During this process we took notes on what we wanted and our tactics on how to better get what we wanted from the divorce.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

For this assignment, sharing information with our partners was crucial. However, it was a matter of what we wanted to share and how much information we should share that determined the outcomes of the project.

2. I can work with others to achieve a goal.

Both my partner and I had to negotiate with each other and work together to come to a conclusion. Simultaneously we had to sort of work against each other in order to “win” the divorce.

3. I can find it easy to be part of a group.

Working with my partner worked quite well. I feel as if our communication with each other and the division between work we both had to do was quite even.

4. I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

We both constantly had to look over our information of what we owned, what debts we had to pay, and how we wanted to divide them in order to come to a “fair” conclusion.

5. I can recognize different points of view and disagree respectfully.

Sometimes it was hard to agree on certain things while making the agreement during this assignment so hope to work on this more in future projects.

May 8

Law Desert Island Project

Desert Island Artifact


About the Activity

For this project, we had to develop our own legal code to keep order on an imaginary island. We had to use our knowledge of legal codes from the past, and knowledge of Canada’s legal system to help us. Then we had to reflect and compare/contrast it with the current Canadian legal system, as well as 2 of the legal codes we covered in class and highlight our strengths and weaknesses.

Core Competency Reflection

Collaborating: I can work with others to achieve a goal

Me and my friend Sara worked very well together on this project. Although we both have a bit of a procrastination problem, we managed to put that aside and finish this project with the best of our ability. I am very proud of our performance.

Thinking: I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

Like mentioned earlier, me and Sara worked very well together on this project. We built ideas off of each other and often when one of us were feeling stuck and couldn’t think of new ideas, we would take look at the example and it would help us build new ideas.

Critical & Reflective Thinking: I can give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals.

Sometimes I would put a law down that didn’t quite make sense in regards to our previous laws, or Sara would. So we had to give each other feedback to make sure we were both on the same page and everything essentially made sense.

Collaborating: I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share

Sara and I had to agree on what parts either of us were going to do. Of course at times we had to help each other out but in the end we both did a quite equal amount of work and I did well doing my share.

Goal Going Forward

Social Awareness and Responsibility: I can find it easy to be part of a group

Usually I prefer working alone because working in groups gives me a bit of anxiety. I don’t like not having control over something, specifically an assignment. I plan on working on this in the future because it can be a bit frustrating. I have and always have had an unhealthy mindset of “If I don’t do it, it’s not done right” Hopefully I can become more comfortable working in groups or in pairs in the future.

January 5

Core Competencies – Studio Art 11/12

CommunicationIn a safe and supported environment, I respond meaningfully to communication from peers and adults. This is one of my favourite sketchbook drawings I have done in this course. However, during the process of this drawing, I couldn’t figure out a way to make the background pop. It started off as a light wash of purple, I found it almost boring to look at, so I took the advice of one of my peers to add darker shades of purple along with some splatters of black to give the background dimension and make it “less boring” I’m glad I took this advice as I feel it really did do what it was supposed to do.
November 8

Food Studies 11 Core-Competency Assessment

creative thinking

In this lab, we got to create our own grilled cheese and pick from a variety of soups to make. I decided on tomato soup because that goes best with grilled cheese in my opinion. I displayed my creative thinking skills with my choice of grilled cheese. I added avocado, spinach, lime, and pepper jack cheese with sourdough bread. I didn’t want the avocado to go brown while cooking or preparing my other ingredients, hence my choice of tossing it in lime first. My grilled cheese ended up great and all the flavours complimented each other, it also went great with the tomato soup as well.
March 31

Interview Essay

My Paper


The Writing Process

Writing this essay was pretty easy for me. I live with my mom and she’s always open to talking about her past experiences with me. However, she works full time and can be pretty exhausted when she gets home so finding the right time to sit her down and interview her for an hour, I guess you could say was a bit of a struggle. I enjoyed learning about this trip. It was super interesting and I would love to experience something similiar to what my mom did. I would’ve asked a few more questions so I could make my essay a little more detailed and maybe had a few more people proof read my essay so I could perfect it. Overall, I’m pretty happy about how my essay turned out and I think it captured my mother’s story pretty well. 🙂

Core Competency Reflection

One stratergy or activity rhat stimulates my imagination is going over my work. I read over my essay numerous times and re-listened to the voice recording of my mothers interview to make sure I didn’t leave anything out.

I appreciate feedback on my essay, and would like it to be in visual form. I am a visual learner and like when things are right in front of me.

Some short term goals I have for myself are being able to take feedback. I often think I’m always right and get defensive when someone tries to correct me. I am working on this because I know it will help me for many things in the future.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as, writing a good essay, I celebrate by noticing the good things I did and remembering to do it for next time. Also, taking note of the things I need to work on to make my next essay even better!

June 12

Cooking at home #7

For this weeks cooking at home assignment i decided to show you something i do everyday in the kitchen, which it make breakfast. I usually have pretty simple breakfasts so making breakfast was pretty easy, the only challenge I had was remembering to make breakfast everyday. Some days I sleep in really late so I kind of miss the opportunity to make breakfast and some days I’m just too lazy. To help myself remember this week I set an alarm in the morning to remind myself to.

June 5

Cooking At Home #7 Family food Tradition

So since my family doesn’t have many family food traditions I made a food that my family eats a lot! I made a creamy tomato and alfredo sauce over twisty noodles. A success i had was cooking the pasta just right. At first I thought I overcooked it, but when I tried it was perfect. An improvement for I would want to make is that since my sauce a little too salty, I would add less.

May 28

Cooking at Home #5

For this assignment I made fried rice with leftover rice and shrimp I had from dinner a couple nights prior. I already had most of the other ingredients I put in the rice except green onions. So I had to go to the store for that. A success I had was my mise en place in the beginning, all my ingredients were prepared and ready to go in the pan before I started. The only thing I would’ve changed is adding more shrimp because I don’t think I added enough.

May 11

Cooking at Home #4

For this cooking at home assignment I made brigadeiros! Brigadeiros are a brazilian dessert made with cocoa powder and condensed milk. My mom has made them a couple times before so I thought I’d try it myself. I used a recipe for this. If I was to make this again I would use different types of sprinkles instead of just vanilla ones. Rolling the brigadieros was a bit tricky because they kept sticking to my hands but it wasn’t that hard to get around. I am proud of myself for making this successfully and how well it turned out because I was a bit worried that I would burn the mixture.
