May 8

Law Desert Island Project

Desert Island Artifact

About the Activity

For this project, we had to develop our own legal code to keep order on an imaginary island. We had to use our knowledge of legal codes from the past, and knowledge of Canada’s legal system to help us. Then we had to reflect and compare/contrast it with the current Canadian legal system, as well as 2 of the legal codes we covered in class and highlight our strengths and weaknesses.

Core Competency Reflection

Collaborating: I can work with others to achieve a goal

Me and my friend Sara worked very well together on this project. Although we both have a bit of a procrastination problem, we managed to put that aside and finish this project with the best of our ability. I am very proud of our performance.

Thinking: I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

Like mentioned earlier, me and Sara worked very well together on this project. We built ideas off of each other and often when one of us were feeling stuck and couldn’t think of new ideas, we would take look at the example and it would help us build new ideas.

Critical & Reflective Thinking: I can give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals.

Sometimes I would put a law down that didn’t quite make sense in regards to our previous laws, or Sara would. So we had to give each other feedback to make sure we were both on the same page and everything essentially made sense.

Collaborating: I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share

Sara and I had to agree on what parts either of us were going to do. Of course at times we had to help each other out but in the end we both did a quite equal amount of work and I did well doing my share.

Goal Going Forward

Social Awareness and Responsibility: I can find it easy to be part of a group

Usually I prefer working alone because working in groups gives me a bit of anxiety. I don’t like not having control over something, specifically an assignment. I plan on working on this in the future because it can be a bit frustrating. I have and always have had an unhealthy mindset of “If I don’t do it, it’s not done right” Hopefully I can become more comfortable working in groups or in pairs in the future.



Posted May 8, 2023 by Anaka in category Uncategorized

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