During this lab, I showed good communication with my partner. I was quick to ask questions when I wasn’t sure of something, and put in effort to make sure they understood too. I did my best to equally assign tasks between my partner and I, so that we both felt included in the dissection. Each time I did something, I tried to share any interesting observations made to my partner so that both of us were learning. I also took some time to try to find different body parts on the diagram to point out on the actual squid.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to sort out who is doing what part.
Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include making sure each person is happy with the part they are doing.
I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this when I use quantitative data sourced by cited websites that are trusted and use backed up information.
In my green equation, I had h=8 (appearing in the equation as a negative 8) which moved the axis of symmetry 8 places to the right. In that same equation, k=3 which moved the vertex up by 3 spots. In my blue equation, the same rules applied for h as they did in the green equation, but this equation had a=-1/3 which set the parabola facing down due to it being negative. Because a was over 0 and less than 1, this caused the parabola to be less narrow than the others. In the purple equation, h was instead a negative number, appearing positive in the equation. This moved the axis of symmetry to the left instead. a was over 1, which made the parabola much slimmer instead. k was a negative number, making the vertex below the x-axis by 4. In the black equation, a was equal to 1/8. This made the parabola much wider than the other ones. This proved that the smaller the fraction, the wider it would be.
I presented the same mathematical equation in different ways by either excluding different variables, making them negative/positive, and by changing the numbers of the variables.
I used vocabulary words such as vertex, parabola, and axis of symmetry. The vertex is the point where the parabola begins, a parabola is a symmetrical curve which is made using a quadratic equation, and the axis of symmetry is a line down x-axis where the parabola is split in half and is symmetrical on each side. I used these words from memory.
I made formatting easy and clear to read by making sure to not overlap parabolas by much, and by making sure the vertex labels were out of the way from other lines. I made sure that the lines, points, and labels were all colour coded as to not be confusing.
Personal Awareness and Responsibility: Self-Regulation
I can persevere with challenging tasks: Like all the other units, during unit 4 we learned many new coding concepts. I struggled to understand everything coming at such a quick rate, but I was able to self-regulate easily. During our assignment “Interactive Drawing”, I found it especially challenging to understand the concepts, so I tried to figure it out on my own. I failed many times, but I looked back on older assignments and referenced them into this new assignment and eventually figured it out.
I can sometimes recognize emotions: During the assignment, I was able to recognize I was stressed from falling behind and not understanding. I was able to manage these emotions by taking a breather and taking time to try and understand all the new concepts and realize it wouldn’t be so bad.
I make an effort to include missing perspectives by making sure my partner gets to be apart of the experiment. In our lab we mixed together different chemicals and examined their traits (Colour, smell, etc.). I made sure to include my partner in mixing things and getting their perspective on how things smelled and how we would describe it’s transparency. I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration by working thoroughly together to do our best work. We helped each other when we were stuck on something and helped each other with the questions on the assignment.
Harajuku fashion looks a lot different and unique than most clothing I’ve seen. I don’t think it’s something that would become popular in Canada because people are a lot more basic here. Harajuku fashion is very flashy and it would not be very liked here. I think I liked most of the fashion there. I like the way that they are more free to express themselves through their clothing, unlike we are here. I think their outfits are a lot more creative and cute. I think it’s a lot more common in the younger generations because of social media and the way everything is changing. Fashion isn’t entirely important to me, and mine is influenced by what I can find that I find comfortable and that I think looks good on me. My fashion style is okay in my opinion, and I think I’d like it more if stores had more variety. I can never find clothes I like in stores, and any online usually are cheaper quality.
I think Japan is more creative with their sandwiches, because in Japan things are made to be more “aesthetic” or unique. A lot of the things there are very visually appealing or “strange” to what we have here. In Canada, our sandwiches are very basic, or loaded with filling. Usually things aren’t made to be as good looking as they are in advertisements, and lately people have tried to make more of a “healthy” alternative to the things we eat.
The most creative meal I’ve had was moose meat with bannock made by my kokum. While I’m not sure if it’s considered creative, it’s certainly more interesting as moose meat is not something people usually eat, at least not around here. I think it would be good as a sandwich, as the moose meat was better than I thought it would be, and bannock is already a bread.
I’d be most excited to try a fruit sandwich, because they look pretty and they look like they would taste good. I think those types would also be fun to learn how to make, because once you master it, it would be quite accomplishing.
I would eat Anpanman’s head because he offered it to me so it’s probably good.
This year what I enjoyed most was making connections and building relationships with my peers. With different people in each class, I learned to be more social and made friends. I overcame the challenge I’ve always had with talking to people and being less quiet. All of my life I stayed quiet around most people, and this year I’ve stopped doing that so much.
I chose Wikipedia because I used it to help me in a lot of my assignments. In social studies it was good help for learning about people or past events. Wikipedia is commonly used with other people too.
My Favourite Video
I took this video during my English class, and I found it pretty cute. I like geese so I sent the video to my friends who also liked it. I chose it because I remembered this moment really well.
My Favourite Image
This is a picture of my friends stuffy that I borrowed. While I was in English, I took multiple photos of him and put little captions on them where I then sent them to my friend. This pose was him in meditation position.
My Favourite Quote
My favourite quote relating to school would be “Do what is right, not what is easy.” Which is said by Roy T. Bennett. I use this one when I’m doing work. I end up wanting to do things easy but messy, and it helps me remember to try.