During this lab, I showed good communication with my partner. I was quick to ask questions when I wasn’t sure of something, and put in effort to make sure they understood too. I did my best to equally assign tasks between my partner and I, so that we both felt included in the dissection. Each time I did something, I tried to share any interesting observations made to my partner so that both of us were learning. I also took some time to try to find different body parts on the diagram to point out on the actual squid.
I did the avatar for Garvey by just using my imagination. In my mind I imagined he looked like my uncle so I went a bit based off of that. We chose the plot points remembering what had happened in the story, giving each other ideas as we went on. The setting was given through reading the story, the setting is important because it sets the mood for the whole thing. Mood kind of means the emotions and feelings set for the whole thing, and that’s what helped us pick the song.
Core Competency Reflection
When I need to boost my mood or refocus I... Take a break and listen to music to boost my motivation.
Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… Giving myself a moment to picture what’s happening in the book.
In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… Giving ideas that can be built off of.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I… Put on some music while I do the work.
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is… How to easily figure out where to place a dot when the scale has changed.
An area of study in which I feel confident to regularly challenge assumptions and develop new ideas in is… Scaling up and down now.
A goal I have for myself is… Finding one strategy that stimulates my imagination in projects like this one. I am working on this goal because I lack creativity on some things. I will achieve this goal by trying to be more imaginative.
For the good stocks, I multiplied the amount of money I have by 1.075 and added 10,000 to the amount each year. For bad stocks I did the same thing, but instead of multiplying it by 1.075 I multiplied it by 0.931.
My strategy is sort of risky because if the stocks are good all 3 years, then you reach 120k and have thousands extra, but if they’re bad all three years then you’re down by quite a bit. The chances of having stocks be bad all 3 years though is unlikely, but there’s still the chance of one or two years being bad. I believe this fits well with the test I took as it is moderate risk.
Collaboration and Contributions
I’m fairly bad at working with groups and I suppose it was kind of the same this time. I did some calculations and they did as well, though we seemed a bit separated. I did not use any other solutions provided by my group due to the fact that I was not there on the day that we were to come up with other solutions. I’d rate my ability to collaborate with my group a 3 out of 4 because I did not run into any problems, though it was not the best ever.
Core Competency Reflection
In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… Questioning ideas when I hear something that I believe could use improvement, or if I’m trying to get a better understanding of something I have different thoughts on. For example, if I hear about a high risk idea in our plans, I throw in some lower risk idea suggestions to the group to see if it’s preferred.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… Try and ask for their opinion on whatever we’re doing. I also like to ask if they have some ideas they’d like to add to get conversation started and to be focused on what we’re doing.
Others find my feedback useful because I… Try to use my words wisely to let them know that what I am saying is helpful to us as a group. I also make sure that I don’t stray too far from their original ideas so that everyone’s ideas are still included and it’s not all just the work of a single person.
I show that I value feedback from others in my group by… Letting them know that I found it useful, and not just tossing it to the side. I always find something helpful in every piece of feedback and make sure that my group members know that.
Ways I work to build and maintain online relationships is by being consistent with my messages and not being dry. I make sure to let them know I’m enjoying our conversations and initiate conversations regularly. My teacher’s team pages are helpful to me because they make posts keeping me up to date on things like assignments or tests. I especially find it helpful when some of my teachers post the videos we watch in class so I can watch them at home. I know that my digital footprint can have positive and negative consequences, for example I could get groomed, hacked, and people can find negative things about me during things such as interviews. A way I have adjusted to avoid this is to remember not to talk to strangers because stranger danger, I have secure passwords, I don’t let out overly personal information online, and I don’t post anything bad.