Computer Programming 11 Core Competency Self Reflection

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: Self-Regulation

I can persevere with challenging tasks: Like all the other units, during unit 4 we learned many new coding concepts. I struggled to understand everything coming at such a quick rate, but I was able to self-regulate easily. During our assignment “Interactive Drawing”, I found it especially challenging to understand the concepts, so I tried to figure it out on my own. I failed many times, but I looked back on older assignments and referenced them into this new assignment and eventually figured it out.

I can sometimes recognize emotions: During the assignment, I was able to recognize I was stressed from falling behind and not understanding. I was able to manage these emotions by taking a breather and taking time to try and understand all the new concepts and realize it wouldn’t be so bad.

Science 10 Core Competency Self Reflection


I make an effort to include missing perspectives by making sure my partner gets to be apart of the experiment. In our lab we mixed together different chemicals and examined their traits (Colour, smell, etc.). I made sure to include my partner in mixing things and getting their perspective on how things smelled and how we would describe it’s transparency. I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration by working thoroughly together to do our best work. We helped each other when we were stuck on something and helped each other with the questions on the assignment.