R1 – Valentine’s Day

I believe girichoco is a concept we should have in Canada because it’s an easy way to have a good relationship with the people you see often. It’s good to show coworkers and peers that you appreciate them and that you like them. In Canada, people seem distant with their peers and it would be a good way to bring them closer. It was nice when they did that in elementary school, as it was something everyone was excited for.

R2 – Harajuku Fashion

Harajuku fashion looks a lot different and unique than most clothing I’ve seen. I don’t think it’s something that would become popular in Canada because people are a lot more basic here. Harajuku fashion is very flashy and it would not be very liked here. I think I liked most of the fashion there. I like the way that they are more free to express themselves through their clothing, unlike we are here. I think their outfits are a lot more creative and cute. I think it’s a lot more common in the younger generations because of social media and the way everything is changing. Fashion isn’t entirely important to me, and mine is influenced by what I can find that I find comfortable and that I think looks good on me. My fashion style is okay in my opinion, and I think I’d like it more if stores had more variety. I can never find clothes I like in stores, and any online usually are cheaper quality.

R1 – Sando

I think Japan is more creative with their sandwiches, because in Japan things are made to be more “aesthetic” or unique. A lot of the things there are very visually appealing or “strange” to what we have here. In Canada, our sandwiches are very basic, or loaded with filling. Usually things aren’t made to be as good looking as they are in advertisements, and lately people have tried to make more of a “healthy” alternative to the things we eat.

The most creative meal I’ve had was moose meat with bannock made by my kokum. While I’m not sure if it’s considered creative, it’s certainly more interesting as moose meat is not something people usually eat, at least not around here. I think it would be good as a sandwich, as the moose meat was better than I thought it would be, and bannock is already a bread.


I’d be most excited to try a fruit sandwich, because they look pretty and they look like they would taste good. I think those types would also be fun to learn how to make, because once you master it, it would be quite accomplishing.

I would eat Anpanman’s head because he offered it to me so it’s probably good.

R4 – School Life

Japan schools vary from Canadian schools in a lot of different ways. They’re a lot stricter with things and you have to wear a uniform. Uniforms look nice and can identify which school you might be from, but I wouldn’t like it because there’s a different mood on different days, and they also may not be the best in certain weather. They also have the teachers switch classrooms instead of having the students switch, which is also something I don’t like as much because when the teacher only stays in one class, they put more personality into the decorating. I wish that centennial would have more clubs, like Japan does. It would be a good way to meet people with similar interests. I think that students here should have more responsibilities in the school in terms of cleaning, though I would prefer there not to be as much as Japan since I don’t like cleaning. It would make it less of a responsibility for just the custodians and it is good to help out.

RSelf Study

What I did well and how I can improve my Japanese study habits

For this course, I did well memorizing the hiragana chart and some words and phrases, I could work on handing in homework on time and actually studying it more, I could also work on pronunciation.

Core competencies

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is… The words on the vocab sheets, and how to form sentences properly.

I appreciate feedback on… How I can make the sentences I form better.

A long term goal for myself is… To remember all that I have learned during Japanese. I will do this by studying the sheets every once in a while.

How will you continue your Japanese language acquisition over the year?

I will continue with learning apps or tools.

If you could travel back in time, what study/language advice would you give yourself or others?

I would tell myself to study ahead of time for quizzes.

R2 – ようかい

Kodama – Tree Spirit

I decided to choose this Yokai because it looked cute and I like trees. These souls wander outside of their hosts, tending to their grove, and maintaining the balance of nature. The first known mention of the tree spirits is in Japan’s oldest known book, the Kojiki. The book talks about the tree god named Wakunochi-no-kami. Wakunochi-no-kami was the second born of the godling brood of Izanagi and Izanami. I do think that Yokai differ from normal western monsters and mythical creatures because unlike normal western monsters and mythical creatures, Yokai are spirits and they have a different vibe. In a way I don’t believe in Yokai, monsters, ghosts, and mythical creatures, but in a way I do believe in them because I believe that somewhere on a different planet in a different galaxy they may exist, just not here. The closest we might get to monsters are lab made creatures.

R1 – Independent Children

When it comes to doing chores I don’t really do them unless I’m asked to or if I want to, so there’s not really a set routine for me. Because of that, I don’t really know what age I started doing them. I think that children should grow up with the independence that Japanese children have, as long as it is safe. I think this because children will have to learn to do it eventually and it’s more time saved for parents to do other things. I first started to go to school by myself in grade 5 where I walked, but I only first used transit on my own to get to school in grade 6. It’s good to know how to get places on your own and starting at an earlier age doesn’t hurt as long as the route is safe enough.