When I’m feeling stressed I like to lay down and stare at a wall, maybe listening to music. I also like to dye my hair when I feel stressed, even when I have better things to be doing. Personally I think technology is both a cause and a coping mechanism for my stress. I use it to avoid stress, but some things on the internet do cause stress for me. This year technology has not caused me so much stress, it’s been more helpful to me.
Core Competency Reflection
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it… I try my hardest to be kind to others around me, especially in serious situations. If I see others need it, I help when I can.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior… I am a respectful student in class, and I don’t cause any trouble. I make sure to include others and won’t turn them away.
I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others… When someone is being unfair to another I make sure not to just standby and watch. I help in anyway I can.