CLE-10 Reflection

This is my best work since it made me motivated and thrilled the whole time I was working on this assignment. I also liked the idea of being able to understand and learning about financial and life problems.

My biggest take away from career life education was being able to see and explore more about my potential in life and what I could do with my skills, working with the reality side of financial and insurances in life.

Core Competency

The Thinking Competency is what I would use to reflect with my growth in knowledge. Over the days I have been inside of this course my knowledge skills expanded even more about life in general and being able to understand about finance, banking, jobs and difficulties of interviews. But I also explored more about potentials in jobs and if I try multiple jobs I can be able to find a job that could suit me and make me passionate for the rest of my life.

Overall this class was informative and thrilling .


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