Touching Spirit Bear the Movie: Mr. Mathew’s Story

Our Movie

Plot, Character, Setting, and Mood

I was to use my imaginations and I also mixed it up with a bunch of google images and I created my avatar adapting from my mind, story and google images. I collided all my mind adaptions and it made one avatar. An avatar that is quite useful to help imagine what our character was to look like and to help visualize their existence.

We looked back and decided to pick out the most highlighted story from our character and the topic to ever mostly exist within the character itself. In short, we just gathered all the scene where our character was to interact with someone or do something. But we did sometimes imagine himself before the time was to come where he was to stop at a page. But before the page even rolled for him we imagined his character development to help out on how our character interacted and even reacted.

Because our character and the main character was far from having the same background. The main character was to find himself changed in a stranded forest, while our character was to live in Minneapolis and not change at all. It was significant because our character and our main character used to live in Minneapolis. Till our character was to send away the main character to ‘Try’ to change for the better good, on a stranded (Banishment) island. While our character was still stuck in Minneapolis living a corrupt life.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

Either me talking to my peers, teachers and/or tutor. I would elaborate what I’m purposely trying to say and to say it clearly, so my group could hear me out. I at times would help our group to improve with some parts we are needed to take on, and the task we are to take on. And if one of us are in need of help we clearly improvise and help them with that topic and the purpose of this specific topic.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus…

I would motivate myself and explain that if I were to finish this my hard work would get a small reward like, Ice cream, or extra yoga minutes and etc. But when it is a serious project, I need to work hard on, I wouldn’t really pressure myself I would still just talk it out in my mind and convince my mind to try to make effort into any techniques I have made to complete this task.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

Well, Usually I would ask myself if I can solve this on my own, or I am in need to ask for others help. I would try to solve what I am in need to solve. Otherwise, I just ask some of the people who knows what’s the objective or what’s going on with the project that I need to be helped on. I would mostly just ask or extend the conversation with what I need to ask to need help on and be help with understanding the topic.

ADL- Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy

Data and Solutions;

GIC- 4.2% non-redeemable GIC, Annual return per year, when trying multiple strategies to find the down payment, like alternating to 4.2% 3 year non-redeemable or 3.5% non-redeemable.

(SCENARIO – 1) Alternation with Stocks investment and 1-year annual non-redeemable GIC

FIRST EVER YEAR (PRESENT); (80,000) – SAVINGS; (0) – Stocks 1.075 * Non-redeemable GIC 1.035

YEAR-1; $82,800 = 80,000 * 1.035 GIC – Savings Earned – 10,000

YEAR-2; $89,010 = 82,800 * 1.075 Stocks – Savings Earned – 20,000

YEAR-3; $92,125.35 = 82,800 * 1.035 GIC – Savings Earned – 30,0000

END OF YEAR- (Total up); $122,125.35 = $92,125.35 GIC and Stocks + $30,000 Savings Earned. pop

Stocks and GIC Alternation – Excel is a great source for making graphs like this.


I chose this solution because the good side of it, shows you have over $120,000 in your down payment, the benefits of using stocks could have a nice side at times, sometimes stocks could have a higher percentage of you losing your money, so stocks would usually be risky to use, but when you work hard and the stock would sometimes go along with good luck, so sometimes the stocks could also work well but either way, stocks is still risky you either gain or loss, but right now I’m just showing the good side of stocks, but the bad side would result me to having money less than $120,000 in my down payment, so I used the good solution instead of bad. GIC are almost great source It basically represents that keeping money in GIC would be safe cause it’s quite similar to a bank because you can keep your money and get daily profit out of it, but the only advantage, would be you won’t be able to touch your money for a long term, and the GIC Annual non-redeemable has a pretty low percentage, so if you add it up with stocks but a bad year, you won’t have enough to money for your down payment for the next 3 years. I chose this since I have average risk a half and half, and I think this would suit me best because of my risk and what I think is best to do.

(Collaborations and Contribution)

I found working with my group great, it’s not the best nor the worst, but it’s just right and we helped out each other with what we’re struggling with and shared solutions, about this project.

I did contribute only for a little bit, since I found it easy for others to share their solution and try to compare my own answers to their answer, and if not correct I ask how they solve this.

I used the solution my group did, but I just decided to Alternate between different solutions, I decided alternate with Plan-A and Stock investment.

I think I would rank my collaboration in rank 2, because even though I may look like I contributed, all I mostly did was just ask questions and try to solve and compare.

(Core Competency Reflection)

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in, groups where I’m able to work with and well, and not wander off on any topic, I mostly sometimes communicate clearly when I’m in a group where we get to share each other’s solution and try to communicate about how our strategies could work well with any real-life relation.

As an active listener, I notice that, sometimes the speaker would have a clear idea of the subject their talking about, which would mean they’re really convinced, and sometimes if they’re not convinced some speakers might hesitate to answer some of the questions I ask or the solution and strategy that was given to us to solve.

I didn’t really choose a different specific solution that was proposed from my group, I just went along with the main solution which was the one that was supposed to be solved properly.

I would rate my group collab around the rating-2 since I didn’t really find anyway to express my solutions in a extending way.

R-Self Study

I might not be able to improve yet, but I was introduced to the Japanese Studying Habits, I can improve in a way by focusing on one singular topic, then once I finished studying that topic, I could start adding more than one topic to focus on.

I appreciate feedback on, my Japanese and I prefer it to come in a form of improvement, because being able to have feedback on my Japanese depends on how strong or weak, I wrote or spoke the sentence, My Japanese is weak at most times since I convince myself that I speak Japanese weakly, and I can’t tell if I’m on track or off track, but getting feedback would definitely be the best option to help me with self improvement.

Some skills I had to develop along the ways were thinking out of the box, which it helped me in a way by increasing my creativity skills, and I was able to increase it by letting my instincts tell me what to do or even sense what I need to do next, just like in short words doing problems that needs to be solved in my own way to be solved, since I couldn’t find the prop I needed for my last project, I had to use a prop that was off the table with the prop I needed, so I used my ‘thinking outside the box’ to solve that problem, and it turns out pretty nice.

To celebrate such accomplishment like, I got to learn the language Japanese and the culture about it, I would celebrate by just studying more Japanese or even sign up for ‘Japanese 10’ since I have finally accomplished a life goal of wanting to learn a little different language from my own language, I would try to embrace what I learnt from this specific language by, speaking Japanese to my own family or even going to Japan and talk to a random person in Japanese beginners level, but overall I would definitely might even want to expand more of this elective as the best I can do to celebrate my accomplishment.

Just like my third core competency paragraph, I would either sign up for ‘Japanese 10’ and practice my Japanese along the way even in the summer, and If I were to give myself a quick advice for myself, I would tell myself to definitely take your sensei’s advice of practicing Japanese for 30 mins or even an hour, and stay on track with the Japanese subject/topic and don’t get distracted with anything at all, even if it’s so interesting to think about.

R4 – School Life

How does school here, in Canada compare to schools, in Japan?

Schools here happen to have a lot of freedom specially in high school, and in high school here in Canada, doesn’t force you to learn that one specific education you do not like, and schools, in Japan makes you learn all education and you happen to kind of stay in the same class you have and your class have to go through the same block every day, like first block Science, Second Block P.E, Third Block Math, and Fourth block English, unlike in Canada they seem to have a different schedule and different class every time, and we happen to choose our own elective of our choice.

Do I think this school should get its own responsibility for the students?

Short answer I’d say it depends, because there might be some people who actually like to volunteer and clean, and there happen to be some people who really needs a lesson on responsibility because they happen to always be irresponsible of their own trash and leave it out of nowhere, they could be detected and volunteer to get more experience with responsibilities and maybe, not being lazy. There could also be a crew of cleaners who likes to clean, and they could join a club or group to find and help people with responsibility issues and people who knows how to clean and help out too.

R3 – Japanese Mascots

I chose this mascot because she’s classically kawaii and I would call her ‘Demingo’, she represents Tokyo, she’s popular because of a Japanese dumpling dish called Dango.

Japanese Mascots are far more special from Canada mascots in a way like, first they’re not dull and they’re not boring either, but they have some type of special character trait and personality trait that makes them they’re self and personal hobbies, like my mascot here (Demingo) She loves to sell Dango, and she really loves bunnies, unicorn and donkeys so, she became imaginative and made a cute onesie for herself, and she loves to make Dango and share it to people, cause that’s what makes her herself.

Like I mentioned in my first paragraph, Japanese mascot are far different from another mascot, and they seem to have their own personality trait and different styles with cute designs which makes them unique, and they represent a specific location and advertise any hobby they want, whether it’s car wash, Dango giveaways, or even sumo wrestling, each mascot has their own advertisement and unique trait which makes them popular, unique and lovable. I think Canada should be inspired with these type of mascot traits, but this mascot design is what makes Japan unique and really cool, but Canada should maybe just stick with their own mascot cause its Canada.

Coquitlam being a mascot might be different from every person Pov of the Coquitlam mascot, but I think if Coquitlam had a mascot, it would be like a salmon type and a river view mascot with salmons and fishes, and an open land representation with a bright mountain, tall valley and a great totem which represent the shared territory of Coquitlam, so it looks like freedom.

My Favorite Science 9 Activity

Strawberry DNA

Core Competency Reflection

I was able to think perso and reflect on strawberry DNA in a way by thinking deep into the context of the strawberry DNA is, I got to wonder what the DNA experiment is and how it could relate to the natural human DNA, the experiment helped me see kind of a clear view of the type of reproduction and the description how it looked like either its jiggly , stringy and fluffy, the appea was personally descriptive and it really got me to think about personal living organism and the difference between a DNA of a fruit and other organisms like lizards and other, and what type of reproduction the appearance of the DNA is and I got to see a fruit DNA specifically strawberries.


Kuchisake onna

Why This Yokai and Questions:

I chose Kuchisake Onna because her Yokai backstory seems to be interesting, and I have been introduced to her multiple times over some videos on YouTube many years ago, her myth goes that, she was the most beautiful woman during the Edo period in Japan, she was married to a samurai, during some days she was assumed of adultery by her husband, because of what she did her mouth was slitted from ear to ear by her husband. Now at the present time a myth says that if you stumble to her, she will ask “Am I Pretty?” and if you say “no” she will murder you instantly but if you say “Yes” she will reveal her face and ask once again if she’s pretty, if “no” then she will murder you but if you say “yes” she will assume that your lying and will murder you or she will follow you at home and murder you. But in order to escape her, you can confuse her with saying “Maybe” or even “I don’t know, your average” or throw her candy or money so you have time to run. No, I don’t really believe in Yokais but I do believe in not following in any superstitious activity that could make anything haunted and I do believe that Yokais are quite interesting to look deeply into specifically for beliefs.