R1- Independent Children

Do you think that children should grow up with Japanese ideals of independence?

I’d say that when it comes to kids coming to an age where they start to do things on they’re own, having the Japanese Ideals of independency would be a right choice. Now you may ask why but if you want your kid to have a little knowledge of independency, they could start to practice the Japanese way of independency but overall, it’s really the choice of the parents cause the Parents/Guardian would know what is right for their own kid whether they choose to let their kid learn child independency at a young age or let them learn when they come to the age that is right for them, even if they want to teach their kid the Japanese way of independency or maybe they could do it with their own way of child independency.

Core Competency Goals

My Strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include

Being able to understand the task and researching topics and information that would be included and related to the task topic I’m given. But when it comes to some other tasks where you have to have evidence that showed you were collecting information about this specific topic, I show the sources I used and note takings I wrote.

I Show Others That I Truly Value Their Contributions By

Listening to what they say and their purpose to work with the group, I know that everyone who is part of a group should always be heard and listened too, cause at a time when it comes to working together, our ideas and thinking should be included to the project even when it is at the smallest term (least included).

I Show That I Value Feedback from Others in My Group By

Whenever getting a response on a project or etc. I show improvements towards the response that was given, whether it’s feedback about how I talk at class and that I should talk more louder, I try my very best to give the response I got on my voice a chance by raising up my volume till it’s the right volume that was highly recommended. I also think that when it comes to feedbacks, you should at times value some of the response that was given specially if it’s negative, so you could hear what you could improve at or work on.

Why Japanese?

Something that inspired me to learn Japanese is mostly trying out something new or even challenging myself. I was sometimes also inspired by anime and the thinking of going to Japan and seeing the fact that I could also blend in with Japanese people by speaking the same language they speak (which is obviously Japanese). I also wanted to spice up freshman year or even my whole high school years with something new and quite challenging.

One of the main goals I have for Japanese class is generically learn the language, but to dive deeper I’d say I would want to memorize the whole Hiragana and Katakana alphabet, so when I come to Japan I could be able to read some signs that are displayed out there in Tokyo. But I would also want to achieve my top goal, which is helping out on learning Japanese or being a helper to not just help out but convince the people that are learning Japanese in the future, to learn more Japanese.

One of the motivations I use in a class is usually “Remember your Goals!” or even “If you do your school work now you can chill.” But when it comes to studying different languages like Japanese, I get excited and my motivation change a little like “Woah! I’m going to be learning a different language and a whole new alphabet, different from the suggested language. (French)” The only thing that really makes me down is my struggles, but even when I struggle I still remember that one motivation that’s motivating.