Frankenstein Film Power Point Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response:

I have chosen this image because for most obvious reasons fire mostly represents how the wretch in both films died and they were burned to death and how they created the fear of fire, in one of the movie. This slide shows the difference between two films but with just looking at one figurative image you can see there is not much difference. Because even if the fire represents what their afraid of the fire represents how similar their deaths are to one image. They were both burned to death in the 1994 and 1931 films.

Core Competency Self-Assessment:

The challenges I had to face coming from this somewhat different from a “typical” assignment, Challenges I had to face was the design and slide organization. I usually let my impulsive thoughts take over me when doing presentation designs. But to this project I had to fight my impulsive thoughts due to the fact that I wanted this presentation to be different and, in the end, I fought my thoughts aside and take just one presentation style and finished my project. There was, mostly times where choosing images was really not that easy and simple, because when I had to choose my images, I had to think of the meaning behind and what it could symbolize. As for my words I choose them quite professionally and cautiously because there was a lot of times, I wanted to just use short words to finish my presentation, but I figured It wouldn’t really look good.

Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

Some Words I would use to describe my grade 9th, year are. Concentrative, Challenging and Mellow. I used these words because, they fit well into most category in my grade 9 highlights. I had to be concentrative to my work all the time because I pressured myself in my grades. And while being so concentrative with all of my work. I also found it challenging, because there would be times where I’m low on sleep, I need to lie down. But I cannot because I had to focus. But it does slightly affect my mood and daily interaction with others. So most of the time or sometimes, I’m mellow.

My Favorite Website

Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice

This website helped me out with math and that I was able to enjoy this website because it is helpful more than Kumon and that thay give out more details on a math project or even subject that I am needed to take and study more about.

My Favorite Video

I chose this video because it helps me in Math. I sometimes need a deeper explanation with any type of activity I am focusing on. I also not just like the video itself I also like the channel. Because it doesn’t just focus on one topic like this video topic. But every other big math topics like, Algebra

My Favorite Image

Beautiful sunset over the sea with a view at palms on the white beach on a Caribbean island of Barbados

This is my favorite image because it helps me calm down, when I am in need to be calm. and it makes me think about some of the places I’d go to and think about the time that I might reach some of my goal and this is the place I go to this place when I am in need to calm down.

My Favorite Quote

“Failure is the great Teacher and if you are open to it every mistake has a lesson.” Oprah Winfrey

I chose this quote because it relates to my learning motivation. I imagine myself saying this to myself over and over again, whenever im unmotivated, because sometimes I just need a little push from being unmotivated. But at times I also reflect my mood at the end of the day based on how hard I reflected on this quote and see if I improved and maintain my mindset.

Work Cited

Holtzclaw, Aara-Jahaan. “The Source |Bias in the Courtroom: Black Judges Forced to Take Mandatory Classes in Massachusetts Due to White Lawyer’s Ratings.” The Source, 17 June 2014,

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 25 Apr. 2023.

. Accessed 25 Apr. 2023.

ADL- Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy

Data and Solutions;

GIC- 4.2% non-redeemable GIC, Annual return per year, when trying multiple strategies to find the down payment, like alternating to 4.2% 3 year non-redeemable or 3.5% non-redeemable.

(SCENARIO – 1) Alternation with Stocks investment and 1-year annual non-redeemable GIC

FIRST EVER YEAR (PRESENT); (80,000) – SAVINGS; (0) – Stocks 1.075 * Non-redeemable GIC 1.035

YEAR-1; $82,800 = 80,000 * 1.035 GIC – Savings Earned – 10,000

YEAR-2; $89,010 = 82,800 * 1.075 Stocks – Savings Earned – 20,000

YEAR-3; $92,125.35 = 82,800 * 1.035 GIC – Savings Earned – 30,0000

END OF YEAR- (Total up); $122,125.35 = $92,125.35 GIC and Stocks + $30,000 Savings Earned. pop

Stocks and GIC Alternation – Excel is a great source for making graphs like this.


I chose this solution because the good side of it, shows you have over $120,000 in your down payment, the benefits of using stocks could have a nice side at times, sometimes stocks could have a higher percentage of you losing your money, so stocks would usually be risky to use, but when you work hard and the stock would sometimes go along with good luck, so sometimes the stocks could also work well but either way, stocks is still risky you either gain or loss, but right now I’m just showing the good side of stocks, but the bad side would result me to having money less than $120,000 in my down payment, so I used the good solution instead of bad. GIC are almost great source It basically represents that keeping money in GIC would be safe cause it’s quite similar to a bank because you can keep your money and get daily profit out of it, but the only advantage, would be you won’t be able to touch your money for a long term, and the GIC Annual non-redeemable has a pretty low percentage, so if you add it up with stocks but a bad year, you won’t have enough to money for your down payment for the next 3 years. I chose this since I have average risk a half and half, and I think this would suit me best because of my risk and what I think is best to do.

(Collaborations and Contribution)

I found working with my group great, it’s not the best nor the worst, but it’s just right and we helped out each other with what we’re struggling with and shared solutions, about this project.

I did contribute only for a little bit, since I found it easy for others to share their solution and try to compare my own answers to their answer, and if not correct I ask how they solve this.

I used the solution my group did, but I just decided to Alternate between different solutions, I decided alternate with Plan-A and Stock investment.

I think I would rank my collaboration in rank 2, because even though I may look like I contributed, all I mostly did was just ask questions and try to solve and compare.

(Core Competency Reflection)

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in, groups where I’m able to work with and well, and not wander off on any topic, I mostly sometimes communicate clearly when I’m in a group where we get to share each other’s solution and try to communicate about how our strategies could work well with any real-life relation.

As an active listener, I notice that, sometimes the speaker would have a clear idea of the subject their talking about, which would mean they’re really convinced, and sometimes if they’re not convinced some speakers might hesitate to answer some of the questions I ask or the solution and strategy that was given to us to solve.

I didn’t really choose a different specific solution that was proposed from my group, I just went along with the main solution which was the one that was supposed to be solved properly.

I would rate my group collab around the rating-2 since I didn’t really find anyway to express my solutions in a extending way.