Touching Spirit Bear the Movie: Mr. Mathew’s Story

Our Movie

Plot, Character, Setting, and Mood

I was to use my imaginations and I also mixed it up with a bunch of google images and I created my avatar adapting from my mind, story and google images. I collided all my mind adaptions and it made one avatar. An avatar that is quite useful to help imagine what our character was to look like and to help visualize their existence.

We looked back and decided to pick out the most highlighted story from our character and the topic to ever mostly exist within the character itself. In short, we just gathered all the scene where our character was to interact with someone or do something. But we did sometimes imagine himself before the time was to come where he was to stop at a page. But before the page even rolled for him we imagined his character development to help out on how our character interacted and even reacted.

Because our character and the main character was far from having the same background. The main character was to find himself changed in a stranded forest, while our character was to live in Minneapolis and not change at all. It was significant because our character and our main character used to live in Minneapolis. Till our character was to send away the main character to ‘Try’ to change for the better good, on a stranded (Banishment) island. While our character was still stuck in Minneapolis living a corrupt life.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

Either me talking to my peers, teachers and/or tutor. I would elaborate what I’m purposely trying to say and to say it clearly, so my group could hear me out. I at times would help our group to improve with some parts we are needed to take on, and the task we are to take on. And if one of us are in need of help we clearly improvise and help them with that topic and the purpose of this specific topic.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus…

I would motivate myself and explain that if I were to finish this my hard work would get a small reward like, Ice cream, or extra yoga minutes and etc. But when it is a serious project, I need to work hard on, I wouldn’t really pressure myself I would still just talk it out in my mind and convince my mind to try to make effort into any techniques I have made to complete this task.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

Well, Usually I would ask myself if I can solve this on my own, or I am in need to ask for others help. I would try to solve what I am in need to solve. Otherwise, I just ask some of the people who knows what’s the objective or what’s going on with the project that I need to be helped on. I would mostly just ask or extend the conversation with what I need to ask to need help on and be help with understanding the topic.