Good nutrition is essential to keeping healthy. A healthy diet helps me have enough energy and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. The food I eat can also affect my mood. The Canada Food guide helps us plan balanced meals by telling us what foods we should eat and how much. Increasing my vegetable servings would be beneficial. I already eat plenty of fruit and check labels for saturated fat, sodium and sugar so that I can choose foods that keeps me healthy. The more colorful I make my plate, the more likely I am to get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber my body needs to be healthy. Eating foods high in fiber (whole grains, vegetables), antioxidants (strawberries), magnesium (almonds, cashews) vitamin D (milk) and probiotics (in yogurt) not only help me to be physically healthy but can help elevate my mood. Of course, I drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
Continuing to combine good nutrition with getting the proper amount of sleep (9-10 hours) and staying physically active (i.e. parkour, rock climbing, bike riding) will help me in leading a healthy lifestyle.
Core Compentency Reflection
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.
When I see someone by themselves, I ask them if they would like to join us in a game we are playing. I offer help to classmates if they are not sure how to perform a skill or complete a task.
I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community.
I am always prepared for class. I keep a positive attitude. I encourage others to join clubs that they may have an interest in.
I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others.
I am able to calmly approach a another student/teacher if I think a call is unfair for a team. In other classes, I can meet with teachers to discuss my work when I do not think my grade is reflective of the work I put into an assignment. In band, I was able to participate in a discussion about the morning schedule and how it does not work for everyone.