Physics 11 Core Competency Reflection

Collaboration and Communication

In the Mini Lab on Friction I was able to demonstrate collaborating and communicating skills. In this lab we had to work together in a group of two to measure the force of friction on two different surfaces and use those measurements to calculate the coefficient of μ. We worked together to gather the data, one of us would measure how many newtons of force and the other person would record on to a sheet of paper. We also had to collaborate when writing in the lab. We worked together to do the calculations and then split up the other work between us. I also showed communication skills in this Lab, as it is important to clearly present your data and your results. 

Physics 11 lab on Friction

Chemistry 11 Self Assessment

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this chemistry 11 titration lab. 

In this lab we had to do a titration using HCl and NaOH. I found this lab more challenging than some of the other labs. This was because the goal was to have the solution in the Erlenmeyer flask change to a light pale pink, but you had to be very precise and if you added one too many drops the solution would turn a darker pink, leading to an inaccurate result. In this lab I demonstrated that I can make decisions and judgements based on evidence.