I can represent my learning and explain how it connects to my experiences. I can use my knowledge from my other classes and previous learning to make a better, more interesting product. As an example, I could use my knowledge from Spanish class to make an interesting and funny statement on the normal assignment to hopefully call more attention to my work.
I find it easy to be part of a group. In middle school, I was part of a program that focused heavily on group work and collaboration. so, now whenever i am asked to do any work with someone that I don’t know, I am familiar with the awkwardness and can move past it to get the job done.
I can develop a body of creative work over time. I can start out with a basic outline of what an assignment could look like, and as I progress, I can formulate better work that I can be more confident in, and my brain can become more focused and have a better understanding of what I will end up with.