Cupcake Print Ad Reflection


We chose Canva for our app because we both have had a lot of experience working with Canva. We also knew that Canva had a specific design tab for ads, specifically print ads, which is what we were doing. We also tried out PowerPoint, but we found that it was a lot harder to work with and that it was more geared towards presentations than making ads. So we went ahead and used Canva. What we didn’t want to do was go over budget with random crazy toppings and go wild, so we went with quantity over quality instead of focusing on having different cupcakes with one flavour instead of one cupcake with lots of different flavours. I think that our ad was effective because we made sure to keep it interesting and eye-catching with a very interesting second slide. I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. Both me and Martin gave ideas for how the ad should be run, and we had to collaborate on what was good and what wasn’t. I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. For the final slide, I wanted to add the picture of the guy because it was part of a book that I recently read, and it would draw attention to the cupcakes as well as add a bit of dark humor to them. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I thought I did well with this print ad, and I think that I would most definitely be hired as a head of marketing at any big corporation.


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