Grade 9 Celebration of Learning

Thinking Core Competency for Power Technology 9

The final project for Power Technology 9 was to take apart and rebuild a small engine and get it to start. Completing this project demonstrated my thinking core competency and my Powertech curricular competency. I demonstrated my critical thinking in the rebuilding stage by putting an engine with lots of small parts together and remembering where they all went. it also showed when i had to answer questions on what each part did and why it did it. I demonstrated my creative thinking when I was working on my second engine, which just wouldn’t start. I had to take it all apart again and go through each piece of the box to think about which part could be the issue, really trying to narrow down the cause to a fuel stem (which is a part that goes into the gas tank to collect fuel and put it into the engine) that had it’s filter gunked up with debris and needed to be cleaned out. In this project, I also showed growth in my Powertech curriculum competencies in applied design and applied skills. For applied design, I had to continuously run tests on the engine, starting it, going back to my workplace, and testing it again, all to find miniscule problems like a spark plug that was too tight. and in the applied skills competency, I demonstrated that by taking apart and rebuilding over a dozen engines. even going as far as to volunteer in the week to help out the Powertech 9 teacher, Mr. Pope, take apart my classmates unfinished assignments to help him get ready for the next semester. Since middle school and for almost all of my life, I’ve had an interest in how things work, like cars, planes, and the like. So when I saw an opportunity to take apart and build my own small engine, I jumped at the cane to explore an uncharted world that was the trades world. Going into it with no experience was scary, especially because it was one of my first classes in high school, but I walked out with a good grade and a whole new outlook on my future.

Communication Core Competency for English 9

I went to Hillcrest Middle School. I was in an out-of-catchment programme called MACC. This was a blessing and a curse because I found a group of like-minded people, but they were also coming from outf-cacatchment. meaning that I had to make completely new friends and connections after going into Centennial. This was harder than I thought, and my first instinct was to not engage, and eventually I cut myself off from a lot of people. So in doing things like a book club presentation for English class, I had opened my horizons and got to actually talk with people about a book that was a mutually liked thing. In doing things like this, I was able to cooperate with my book clubmate to create a fairly good presentation on the book Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I developed collaboration skills when doing things like dividing the tasks between ourselves and giving each other feedback on which part was good and what needed to be fixed, tweaked, or changed. For this project, we were tasked with reading Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, creating a PowerPoint presentation on the topic, and including an activity for the whole class to partake in that also relates to the theme of the book. In this sense, I demonstrated the curricular competency. Comprehension and connection. First, we had to read the book in increments on our own time and agree on a stopping place every week. We would then have a discussion on what happened in the recent chapters and what we think will happen next. After reading the book, we had to comprehend the theme of the book and the message that the author was showing us. Then we had to connect it all together into an activity that the whole class could partake in.

Personal/Social Core Competency for Social Studies 9

In the beginning of almost every class, the teacher goes over a set of class rules. things that should be said, like their policy for phone use or a punishment system for people who misbehave. If you’re lucky, you can get a teacher that has a class participate in the strictness of the policy’s and even what punishment is appropriate for the person who doesn’t follow the rules. My growth in personal and social competency stems from the group choices that we made at the beginning of the semester. Throughout the decision-making process, you could see different people respond with different ideas on how the matter should be handled. You had one side who wanted to not be punished at all for the use of phones in class, and then the other side advocated for at least some form of penalty. During the process, you could see the different opinions, reasonings, and values that each person had, as they each added their own two cents to the conversation. This was of conducting a form of penalty for people who misbehaved at the start of class and having the students decide on it, make up the rules for it, and all agree to it. It proved to be more successful than the teacher just saying, “This is the rule; everyone obeys.” This topic holds true for curricular competency as well. As a lot of the curricular competencies for social studies are based on interpreting, asking questions, and coming to a conclusion (or, in this case, a mutual agreement), this is a big part of the social studies class as a whole.


Monster Presentation Power Point Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response:

For this entire PowerPoint, I used a different type of font that is a little bit bolder and more eye-catching than the normal font. I also used a picture to distract from the block of words on the screen and to give it a bit of normalcy and balance throughout the slide. This was my biggest slide, so there was not much I could do with the wording, but I did slim it down to have the focus on my own words, not the slide. Finally, I added a little bit of design that was fluent throughout my presentation to add a bit of eye-catching flair to it.

I don’t think there would be much to improve on. This slide covers most of the bases for a normal PowerPoint presentation. If there were anything, it would be the words; they are the only thing that could potentially be cut down. but otherwise, I think that it looks good as is.

Core Competency Self-Assessment:

If I were to do this assignment again, I would have spoken slower and would have been clearer with my voice and crisper with my slide transitions. Other than those small things, I think that everything else would have stayed the same.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My Advertisement:

Persuasion Project Advertisement Technique:

Persuasion Project Unit Reflection:

Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?

I think that it is important because at the end of the day, they are selling a product for you to buy so they can make a profit off of it. So, when watching a commercial or looking at an Ad, it’s always best to look past the flashy exterior and take a look in the actual point or use of the product to see if you actually need it or just want it.

Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, and emotional

I think that the most effective form of persuasion is emotional. I think this because people are easily persuaded by their emotion’s. for example when you see a charity Ad for kids in Africa it pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to do something like donate. By manipulating people’s emotions or even their kids emotions who will convince their parents you can get tons more sales.

· Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product

I think that the best advertising technique is celebrity appeal. For example, there is a Bic Easy Reach lighter that has one of the best ads I’ve ever seen. The ad had celebrity experts Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart. This ad was insinuating Snoop Dogg’s well-known use of weed, and they were making plays on words with the main slogan of the ad being “good for grills, fires, and so much more.”

Core Competency Reflection:

· I showed others that I truly valued their contributions by…

Making sure that everyone’s voice was heard during this project, leaving no one out of the loop, and trying to incorporate everyone’s ideas by integrating them with the project and spreading out the work so as to have others be more involved in the decision-making of the project.

· Some things I thought about when dividing tasks among my group members were…

What everyone wanted to do, the time they had, the time it would take them, and the level of work that was produced. I also thought of inclusivity and not having anyone left out of the group simply because their quality of work was the greatest in the world.

· I showed that I valued feedback from others in my group by…

Integrating their ideas into the project and making sure that they knew why or why not their ideas didn’t get added to the presentation. I also worked with the group to decide what the teacher’s potential feedback would be in hopes of improving the presentation before we even presented.