Curricular Response:
For this entire PowerPoint, I used a different type of font that is a little bit bolder and more eye-catching than the normal font. I also used a picture to distract from the block of words on the screen and to give it a bit of normalcy and balance throughout the slide. This was my biggest slide, so there was not much I could do with the wording, but I did slim it down to have the focus on my own words, not the slide. Finally, I added a little bit of design that was fluent throughout my presentation to add a bit of eye-catching flair to it.
I don’t think there would be much to improve on. This slide covers most of the bases for a normal PowerPoint presentation. If there were anything, it would be the words; they are the only thing that could potentially be cut down. but otherwise, I think that it looks good as is.
Core Competency Self-Assessment:
If I were to do this assignment again, I would have spoken slower and would have been clearer with my voice and crisper with my slide transitions. Other than those small things, I think that everything else would have stayed the same.