My Grade 9 Year:
This year, I’m most proud of my understanding of what I want to do post-secondary. Going into grade 9, I had little to no idea of what I wanted to do after high school, or even in high school. I didn’t have any sort of idea of what I wanted at all, but after going through a semester and a half, I have learned more about myself and my interests. Starting in semester one with my gamble with the class Powertech. I had no idea what to expect, and I didn’t even know I would like it, but after taking the class, I discovered how much I loved the process of going through engines, taking things apart, and learning about the whole trade side of education. I really had no idea what to expect, and now I have a more solid idea of what I want to do in the future and how I will spend the rest of my high school years.
My Favorite Website:
My favorite educational website this year was Duolingo (Duolingo – The world’s best way to learn a language). This is because I knew that I would be taking Spanish 9 in the second semester, and I knew that that course was something that I should prepare for in advance and not just see how it goes. So, at the beginning of the first semester, I started up my Duolingo account and started a streak for Spanish. This initial boost of learning really helped me out at the start of my second semester, as I was already ahead of the class and was in a good spot to start the course.
My Favorite Video:
My favorite video this year was “History of the Universe, I guess” by Bill Wurtz. The video is a recap of everything that has happened since the big bang. from the formation of the elements to the intricacies of human society, all simplified and put into one 18-minute video. The reason that I liked this video so much is not just because it is very entertaining, but also because it is very informative. In the video, you can make connections to science with protons, neutrons, electrons, and the formation of elements. and you can make connections between social studies and the development of human society, discoveries like Christopher Columbus in 1452, and much more.
My Favorite Image:
My favorite image is an image of a stretched-out polar bear. It seems a bit weird, but there is a reason. The Polar Bear was the first slide in an in-depth presentation that I did on the effects of oil spills on the surrounding environment and how the ecosystem is effected. But the image that I picked of the polar bear wouldn’t fit, so I stretched it out and made it so it filled the slide, creating a little bit of comic relief and a bit of a hook to draw attention to the start of my presentation.

My favorite quote:
“If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog. But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight as a lion.” Napoleon Bonaparte. I have liked this quote ever since I was a kid who did a project on Napoleon in elementary school. In no way does this relate to my own way of life, but it does spell a message that you have to choose the people that you spend your time with or are around and really make sure they are the right people for you. As I said, its hard to make any connections to this quote as I do not participate in any wars, but it’s something cool that was said a long time ago by a cool guy, so I like it.
Works cited:
–Duolingo – The world’s best way to learn a language –