As a multisport athlete, I think that nutrition is extremely important in everyday life to maximize performance when I have to perform at a high level. This “meal” was a light snack that I had bought at school and eventually ate as a sort of filler to tide me over between meals. Health benefits of Sunchips mostly come from their high fiber content and 35g of whole grains per serving, as well as little to no harmful chemicals like artificial flavouring of taste. Taking what I have learned from the active health unit, I can use the knowledge, like getting fooducated, and analyze the nutrition facts of what I am eating on a regular basis. Having low nutrition throughout the day can lead to decreased brain function and exhaustion.
Core Competency Reflection:
I can understand when something is unfair and explain it to others. Whenever I see something unfair or unbalanced in, for example, game sense, I do not hesitate to bring it up to the proper levels to be dealt with swiftly. I find it easy to be a part of a group and participate in group projects. I can show this by dividing up work, helping promote communications within the group, and assisting with problem solving. I always make sure to participate in the classroom or in the gym as much as I can to promote not only a good work ethic but also in hopes of seeing a good example to my peers.