Canada Organizer


Core competency reflection

I can work with others to achieve a goal: I can share my information to my group and get information from my group and finish the work. My group can make conversations about the information, if the information is correct or wrong.

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active supportive listener: I listen to what my group says and If I don’t understand something, then I ask questions. So I can make sure if I’m understanding them in a right way.

I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it: I hear something about new information and I tell my group about the new information. So my group can make conversations about the new information and see if the new information is correct.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear organized way: I hear some information and tell the information in a easy way. So my group can understand what I’m saying.

My goal is to pass this course. I need to pass this course so I can move to the next level. I’m going to hand in my homework and projects on time so I get more credits and pass this course.

Meal Planning Assignment


The problem is that there are left over food.


 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Recipe Mongolian Beef Black bean tacos Black bean tacos Tuna Casserole   Chicken Adobo 
Portion of Recipe 4 Meals 4 x 2 = 8 8 = Meals 4 meals 8 meals 4 meals 
Cook 1hr 25mins 15 x 2 = 30 30 mins Left over from Tuesday 45 minutes 45 minutes 
Dinner Time 6:30 6:00 6:00 5:45 6:00 

Grady: Teen 1 Monday 

Kristian: Parent B Tuesday  

Kristian: Parent B Wednesday 

Andy: Parent A Thursday 

Everyone: Teen 1 Friday  


I think our plan is going to work well because, we put the time and meals carefully so we don’t get a lot of leftovers.


Lolah’s Chicken Adobo Recipe | Allrecipes 

Collaboration Reflection

§ Describe all the ways your group communicated and shared information with each other.

We were having a conversation who is going to do Teen or parent on Monday and Friday. At the end, we chose the roles and dates.

§ Describe all the ways your group used technology. Describe situations where technology was helpful, and if applicable, when it made your work more difficult.

My group were using technologies to do the work and to put the pictures and links.

§ Describe in detail how tasks were distributed in your group.

Each person fills one part.

§ What specific tasks did you complete? When I look at your group’s solution, where can I see evidence of your contribution?

Self Assessment: Collaboration & Critical Thinking

Collaboration Prompts: (choose 2)

o If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction.

o If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…

Critical Thinking Prompts: (choose 2)

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is…