Curricular Response

I believe this project shows my creativity as well as my ability to formulate and make my ideas real. This project allowed me to express my ideas around heavy topics in a method that I am extremely comfortable with. This project also showed off a bit of my writing skills, though my explanation isn’t visible on this edublog. I feel as though the symbols I used in this image aren’t great, though. They’re symbols that accurately represent each culture, yes, but I feel as though they’re too obvious, in a way. I want to get better with the symbolism in both my writing and in my art, implying and representing things in a better, unique way.

Core Competency Reflection

I find completing assignments both easy and difficult, depending on what I’m doing. If I’m doing a creative project on its own, I have little to no struggles. However, if I’m doing a creative project with a written component attached to it, or if I’m assigned something a while before it’s actually due, I get into a certain mindset where I want to do the fun parts and save the boring parts until the assignment is due. Drawing can take me hours, but it’s something I enjoy, even if it’s for school. In comparison to written assignments, I enjoy writing a lot more if I’m able to weave stories instead of taking something that already exists and analyze it. Despite the fact that there are plenty of opportunities for me to be creative in this course, I still find myself wanting more non-analytical assignments. This is a bad habit of mine that I would like to start to break in the last two weeks of this course, as well as in the next semester.


Curricular Competency Reflection ; Posters

I utilized Canva to create my posters. I heavily considered different demographic and what would be useful for different demographics before designing my posters, and I took a lot of care to make sure the designs were very simple yet meaningful for the audience that I wanted to show them to. I used characters from Disney films, leaning heavily into character presentation creating my Big Hero 6 poster. However, for my poster about recovery from alcoholism, I wanted to go for a somber, emotional approach. I was able to identify the stages that come with marketing and how each advertisement targets a specific stage, with the aim to slowly but surely persuade the consumer to buy into the product or message of the advertisement.

Core Competencies

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include examining content that acts as a real-world example of the task I am working on. I’m able to collect information from the real world by observing different advertisements, posters and issues. This helps me figure out my focus on my task and the message I want to convey.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I created my recovery advertisement. This advertisement was inspired by many other recovery posters I had seen in Vancouver. Recovery and healing are things that are important for most, if not all of society, but some people believe they are too far deep into their addictions, and I thought that making a poster like this would help raise awareness and bring hope to those who are struggling with such addictions.

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is listening to music while I work. Often times, music drowns out most of the background noise in my classroom, allowing me to focus on myself and my work. Instrumentals and some lyrics from songs also help me immensely, allowing me to formulate new ideas based off of what I’m hearing.

LAW STUDIES 12 ; Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking ; Provincial Court Field Trip

The provincial courts heavily differed from my expectations for multiple reasons, the first being that it was a lot less intimidating. Being able to walk into the courtrooms freely made me feel less on-edge, despite the setting. A lot of the proceedings were also quite slow in comparison to the fast-paced, action heavy proceedings that are televised. One of the factors here is just that the provincial court system handles less serious offences in comparison to the supreme courts, but still, not every day in court is as exciting as one would think, and I think that this experience made me realize that. There are mundane, boring days, and days where things get more intense. It all depends on the case, the level of court, and various other factors.

With this newfound knowledge of the legal system, I’d say that watching some of these proceedings has strengthened my ability to develop conclusions and judge certain situations. Watching many different proceedings and sentences being carried out has shown me how different circumstances heavily effect the argument revolving around certain arguments, and how much weight owning up to the crime very early on (in some cases) has on the entire case. Judging some of the proceedings that I had witnessed, if I had not known key details about the case, I would’ve had a completely different perspective on the entire thing, and that has only taught me that I need to carefully collect my information before I come to these concrete conclusions.

Inductive / Deductive Reasoning in Popular Games

Angelica c:

The game I played was MINESWEEPER. To play, you have to click on all the squares that do not contain mines. If you hit a mine, you have to restart the game. The numbers in the boxes will tell you the number of mines that are in the boxes surrounding them.

I usually started with the corners, trying to clear as much ground with them as possible before going towards the middle. Afterwards, I began using the numbers in the boxes to try and rule out potential areas where the mines would be located.

I believe that this game uses deductive reasoning. The strategy I used specifically worked based off of this logic: “if there’s two bombs around here, and one bomb around here, then one bomb can’t be here,” and so on.

R2 – Harajuku Fashion

I really enjoy Harajuku Fashion because I feel like all the different styles are extremely unique and expressive. It’s really cool how people can take certain items and turn them into cute accessories to wear out in public! Fashion is something really important to me, since I think you can tell a lot about a person just based off their sense of style. I’d love to change up what I wear more, but I can’t really pick my own things without my parents’ input, which sucks because what I want to wear is very different than the items that they want me to wear. I also kind of want to try sticking to one aesthetic for once, but it’s really hard to when there’s so many cute fashion choices!

R1 – サンド

What is the most creative meal you have made or had? Would it taste good in sandwich form?

I think one of the more creative meals I’ve had is one of the sandwiches I’ve made myself in another class last year. It had strawberry, lemon zest and ricotta cheese, and was topped with icing sugar! It was a really good sandwich, and with some adjusting, I definitely think it would taste even better in some variation of sandwich form.

How do these compare to the sandwiches available in Canada?

I feel like sandwiches in Canada don’t have AS many variants as they do in Japan. Western sandwiches are just a bunch of things stacked together that taste good. But in Japan, there’s a lot of variation when it comes to what’s in the sandwich and how the sandwich is presented. A lot of Japanese sandwiches have some sort of decoration that makes them look a lot more elegant compared to western sandwiches.

Frankenstein Films Power Point Assignment: Self- Assessment 

Curricular Response

Q: Choose one of the figurative images from your power point assignment and explain how you chose that image, and how that image supports the meaning of that particular slide.  

A: The figurative image in my artifact (see image above) was chosen because I believe it fully represents a punishment. While in the story, neither Frankenstein nor the Wretch are bound in chains at any point in the stories, they are punished. Handcuffs are often used in prisons, and serve as a reminder of the prisoner’s punishment. This slide is all about punishment, and how each film’s punishment for the characters differs. The cuffs only enforce that fact more.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Q: How did you select images and words to create meaning?  What this easy for you? Why or why not?

Selecting images and words was somewhat easy for me. The reason for this is that while I was constructing my powerpoint, I thought about themes from the film that would be easy for me to symbolize. These themes included rebirth and punishment. The more I thought about my themes, the more images came flooding through my head, along with words and quotes that backed up my meaning. It made the construction of my powerpoint go a lot smoother than I thought it would. 

Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

My very first year of high school was like one giant rollercoaster. Throughout the year, I met a lot of new people, students and teachers, and grew as a person through their company. I overcame challenges that came in the form of… math equations and science tests. Despite all these academic problems I ran into, I was able to enjoy my year to the fullest because of the friends I made and kept throughout it. I still have a few stretches, though… procrastination’s a bad habit.

My Favorite Website


This website is by far my favorite (at least, when it comes to websites relating to my learning) because of how useful it was to me during my first semester. This calculator was a life-saver when I forgot certain things, or needed hard answers to finish equations quickly. It’s more useful to me than any other calculator I’ve tried!

My Favorite Video

This is my favorite video that relates to my learning because I find it easy to unwind and listen to this kind of music while I work on academic things. When I’m calm, I find it easier for me to learn.

My Favorite Image

My favorite image includes some of the friends I’ve grown with throughout the year. Just looking at this brings back many memories that I’ve loved and cherished, even though they happened so recently.

My Favorite Quote

“I have no talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

This quote perfectly describes how I feel academically. When I become interested in things, that’s when I put my effort in to learn as much as possible. When I’m passionate about something, I absorb whatever I can about the subject.

Work Cited

Desmos | Scientific Calculator. https://www.desmos.com/scientific. Accessed 19 May 2023.

“Education Quotes.” BrainyQuote, https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/education-quotes. Accessed 19 May 2023.

Piano Ghibli Collection 1. www.youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGl75kurxok. Accessed 19 May 2023.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab

I was able to demonstrate my communication skills during the strawberry DNA extraction lab that we did for biology. Me and my partner worked really well together, listening to each other and being engaged during the project. However, me and my partner, despite following proper instructions, were confused. When we looked around the room, we weren’t getting the result everyone else was getting. We were talking about the project and communicating the steps to each other correctly, but our test tub was different than everyone else’s. I was able to communicate to other people that there might’ve been a problem, and everything turned out alright in the end.

Touching Spirit Bear The Movie: Mr. Matthews’ Story

Our Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

We didn’t really have a good description of Mr. Matthews, so we took the vision of an abusive father and went with it. All of our other characters were made with the design that Andrea came up with in mind. Our plot points where moments that we felt were most important to his character, as his actions have definitely affected others, despite not being as present in the story as others, such as Garvey or Cole. Our setting was the city of Minneapolis, where Mr. Matthews resided throughout the first half of the story, in contrast to his son, who spent the first half of the story isolated in nature. His son grows and changes, while he remains the way he is.

The word ‘mood’ means a temporary feeling to me. We selected this specific track because we believed that it fit the mood that we wanted to set. It wasn’t supposed to be extremely intense, but it was supposed to invoke a feeling of danger and uncertainty.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I was creating one of the avatars for the movie. I wanted to go for similarity, so I took the look of one of my group members’ avatars and used that as a guideline, in a sense. I appreciate feedback on my writing and analysis and prefer it comes in the form of constructive criticism. If I’m making mistakes or have something that could be improved, I want to know what I need to work on. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by referring back to text used in the material we create things based off of. When there’s some sort of disagreement, I try to look for hard facts to settle it.