Finance Project Edublog Post

This was a math project in which we were tasked with creating a logo. Once we made our logo, we had to redraw it at a scale factor of 2 or 3, and then redraw it at a scale factor of 1/2. For my Logo, I decided to draw a crown. (I know the pictures suck. Give me a break.)
Core Competency Reflection
In this project, I demonstrated some Core Competencies. Specifically, Creative and Critical thinking. It takes a while for good ideas to come, obviously. So, when ideas don’t come to me right away, I look for some inspiration through music. After I listened for a while, my logo idea just popped up in my head. I demonstrated Critical Thinking when I was trying to figure out how big I wanted my original logo to be. I had to be open-minded when looking for an alternative solution when it came to the size of my logo. Honestly, I used to think making a logo was easy. After doing this small project, however, I realized it’s more difficult than it’s chalked up to be. This was like a mini-exploration, almost. I do want to find a way to plot a more complicated design that’s a little kinder to scale. I feel like if I asked for some feedback, I could bounce off the ideas of other people a little bit.