How I Deal With Stress
How I manage my stress in my day to day life is very… questionable. I care for my wellbeing regardless, but that doesn’t always mean I’m doing it all that well. I often write things out to calm myself down, or go play some games that calm myself down. Honestly, some of the games that I play calm me down (like rhythm games), while others just make me more agitated (shooter games, fighting games, etc.). So it’s both a cause of my stress and a coping mechanism. Sometimes it’s more of a stressor than a coping mechanism, and sometimes it’s the other way around. It’s helped me calm down on many occasions, but at the same time, I’ve gotten very stressed out because of some things that happen on social media, or because of games. But, I’ve found ways to use technology to support my wellbeing. An example of this is a self-care app that I’ve downloaded on my phone, which has helped me calm down a lot when I get stressed out.
Core Competency Reflection
I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others. Oftentimes, I find myself in situations were something is unfair. I’m able to stand up for myself and explain to someone else when I find that something is unfair. It may be stressful to do so, but I manage well enough, even under that stress.
I find it easy to be part of a group. I don’t find it difficult to work with other people. I find it easy to contribute to things, even when the group manages to stress me out. Taking up a role and responsibility isn’t all that hard for me to do.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. Especially with people that I don’t know, I try to be helpful and supportive. I know how stress can affect someone’s mind, and I know that not everyone will be having the best of days. So, I try to be supportive of others when they’re trying new things, or doing something that they’re not comfortable with.