I think that I practiced my writing skills especially well, as well as my reading skills. The only problem is that I didn’t really study all that often. I didn’t study that much outside of school, and when I did study anything other than reading or writing, it was for a few minutes at most.
I think that I could study a lot more at home to make my grade even better. Sure, I’m doing fine without studying. But, it’ll get me further if I do. An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is how to properly use things like particles in sentences. It’s been a hassle, but I’m getting there. I’d really appreciate feedback on a lot of my work, and I’d prefer it being said to me directly. Then, I could understand it a lot clearer.
Over the second semester, I’ll still utilize Japanese. To me, it’s too interesting to just forget just like that. I’m going to practice some reading over the next little while. I hope that it helps me improve.
If I could travel back, I’d definitely tell myself to study more. I’d also tell myself to try and expand my vocabulary beyond just what we’ve been taught, so I’m able to extend further than I already am.