I started doing chores at the RIPE AGE of seven, because my parents were practically begging me to start doing SOMETHING to help around the house. So I did one, simple thing. Which was simply putting my clothes away. I can’t say that I still do chores consistently, though. I have no idea how I am still getting an allowance. Probably because I do something twice a week or something like that. I do think I should start doing more to help, though.
Now, PERSONALLY. I think that children should be growing up with SOME of Japanese’s ideals when it comes down to independence. I just think it should start a little later in life compared to Japan. I mean, we watched an almost four year old go to get miso for her mom. Walking all that way at four seems too risky, especially with the dangers we have here in Canada. I’d think that eight years old would be a better age to start going out on their own to get things for their parents.
And I’m gonna be real here. I didn’t get to start walking to school until I was in seventh grade. Not even at the start of the year either. I didn’t get to start until like, May or June. Mostly because my dad was mega paranoid about it, but whatever. I didn’t get to go anywhere by myself until the beginning of grade eight. And I still haven’t gotten to take transit by myself. At all. It’s all because my parents are kind of scared, I think.