Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

Work Cited:
Hickey, Chelsea. “Teenagers: Why You Should Care About Your Digital Footprint.” Social Media Club, 22 May 2013,
“How to Protect Your Digital Footprint (Expert Tips).” Cyberpedia, Accessed 20 Sept. 2022.
Online Safety (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth. Accessed 20 Sept. 2022.
—. Accessed 20 Sept. 2022.
Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth. Accessed 20 Sept. 2022.
What Every Teen Needs to Know About Their Digital Footprint | Net Nanny. Accessed 20 Sept. 2022.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
I know that my Digital Footprint can have a negative impact on my life. If I say something without thinking, that can easily be taken out of context. If I post something without thinking, it can be screenshotted before I’m able to delete it. Once I say something, or once I post something, it’s going to be there forever. I can’t get rid of it. So, I’m going to be making an effort to always make sure that I’m thinking logically and taking a breather when I feel it’s necessary, so I don’t say anything that I can’t take back.
You always have choices when it comes to the internet. You can choose to be anonymous, and you can choose to show yourself. Showing yourself is always a bad idea on the internet, however. I always choose how I want to present myself on the internet, by choosing and changing my screen name. I also make the choice to not comment on any posts that I might come to regret later on in life. It’s always my choice, and that’s how it’s going to be.
Honestly, I’ll admit that some of my hobbies have come from the internet. A part of my interest in art does come from what I see online. The talented people that put effort into their drawings really makes me want to try and be like them. But, at the same time, I’m always remembering that I have to be myself, and not model myself into other people, or a ‘more ideal’ version of myself. The internet can really make people think they need to change, when they really don’t.